Showing posts with label soccer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soccer. Show all posts

Saturday, March 28, 2015

COLD Spring Day

What happened to the 80 degree weather we had earlier in the week?  Cooper had his first soccer game of the spring session and it was 33 degrees this morning!!! He did great despite the temperatures!

Reagan was so cold, she couldn't get out from under the fleece blanket!
 Cooper loves to play defense and goalie
Cooper's team won 5-3
For our 2nd cold activity of the day, Cooper went to a birthday party for a friend...Flag-football!  This was his first time to play and he had so much fun.  I on the other hand was freezing!
 going after the runner
 trying to grab the flag
 Ooops...I don't think he was supposed to tackle
 he got the flag this time!
 He also got to play center
 eating ice cream (in the freezing cold)!!
For our third cold activity of the day, the Girl Scouts had an ice skating party tonight.  Reagan couldn't wait to go show off her skills!
 Reagan, Amelia R, Amelia S
 Amelia R, Amelia S, Rhidema, Lexi, Reagan
Time to go home and warm up!!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Scooters and Soccer

We absolutely love this time of year!  Cooper has finally learned how to ride his scooter with one foot and Reagan has been a pro on her scooter for a while now.
sweet smile
 racing around the driveway
 precious girl
 Spring soccer began tonight as well.  Practice were to have started 2 weeks ago, but with all the bad weather we've had recently it's been delayed.
Cooper picked up right where he left off in the winter session
 listening to instructions

Friday, February 20, 2015

Last Indoor Game

Cooper's soccer club had their last game of the indoor season tonight.  We arrived at the field a little early, so Cooper was invited to play in the first game as well.  They were playing full field...after 2 games, Cooper was worn out!  It was good for him though, after a week of being cooped up in the house due to the weather, it was nice for him to be able to run!!

Spring outdoor season starts in 2 weeks!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Team Tottenham

Cooper had his weekly soccer game tonight.  It's a much different game now that he's playing with 7-9 year olds.  The game is a much faster pace and they actually play soccer, rather than the whole team going after the ball like ants to a piece of candy.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Game Night

This session of soccer, Cooper has moved up an age bracket.  He now plays with 7-9 year old boys (quite a different pace than the 5-6 year olds!).  He does a great job and enjoys playing goalie more than anything!
waiting for a ball to be kicked his way
 he saved a score
throwing the ball back in