Monday, September 10, 2012

Picture Day

Today was picture day at Reagan's school.  She got a new dress over the weekend and was super-excited to wear it today.  
beautiful girl
 perfect smile

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Grandparent's Day

Happy Grandparent's Day to Gigi & Bubba and Mamaw & Papaw!!
We were able to have lunch with Gigi & Bubba today, we'll have to treat Mamaw & Papaw to lunch at a later date.
Thanks for being such wonderful grandparents!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Go Big Orange

We've happily fallen victim to the orange on Fridays tradition around here!!
 Will there ever be a picture of both smiling naturally while looking at the camera at the same time?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

What's in a Name?

Cooper has decided he would like to be French.  Every time I fix his name train, he changes it to this...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

1st Day of Pre-K

Today was Cooper's first day of Pre-K!  He was very excited about going back to school and making new friends.
he wanted a picture inside the house
 ...outside the house
 ...with his backpack and sign
 ...and the full view of his new T-Rex backpack
Cooper had an awesome day.  He even took a nap!!  This boy doesn't meet a stranger and he came home with 2 best friends today.  He doesn't know their names, but they are his best friends!!!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Roller Skating

Another of Reagan's classmates had a birthday party this weekend.  Today's party was held at the roller skating rink...and Cooper was invited too.  It was the first time either of them had been skating (and the first time I had skated in about 18 years!)!
the fun begins with a refreshing drink
 a little unsure of herself
 going it alone without mom
 getting better
 Cooper said his roller skates were "really rolly and make him do crazy things"!
 he finally decided to come out on the rink
 he didn't want to let go of the wall
 can you say FAKE smile?
 that's more like it (of course, he is on solid ground!)
 watching the cake being cut
the kids did great skating.  Reagan actually let go of the wall and "skated" around by herself by the end of the party.  Cooper held my hands while he skated. And, I am going to be sore tomorrow!!!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sleepover Sunday

There are no pictures today, because neither of the kids are home.  They are both at sleepovers. 

Reagan is at her VERY first sleepover with a friend tonight.  They have big things planned - going to a festival downtown, eating truck food, playing and watching fireworks.

Cooper is spending the night with Gigi & Bubba.  I'm sure they have big things planned to ~ a boat ride, riding the 4 wheeler, playing and ice cream!!

So, it's just Greg and I at home tonight.  What fun things do we have in store?  Cleaning out and organizing the garage, hanging pictures, etc, etc, etc!!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pony Party and a Dune Buggy

Reagan attended the birthday party of one of her friends from school today.  It was a Pony Party held at a local farm.  She had a blast!
waiting in line to ride the pony
 Getting on a pony for the 1st time
the smile on her face says it all
 Playing games on the farm
 Reagan and Kayti (the birthday girl)
 the kids were allowed to brush a pony and put stickers and hair clips on her
this was one patient pony!
 ready for cake
 having fun on the wagon ride
 looking at all the presents Kayti received
 What was Cooper doing while Reagan was riding ponies???
He was riding a dune buggy at Greg's work
 he also rode the tractor

Friday, August 31, 2012


Tonight was a night of changes...
Reagan got 4 inches cut off her hair
 still cute as ever
 ...and Cooper needed new underwear, so he got some boxer shorts ~ just like his dad
 he's very proud of them!