Saturday, October 20, 2012

Down on the Farm

Today we went to a local pumpkin patch/farm/corn maze.  While the kids were not interested in having their pictures made, they did have a great time playing, picking out their pumpkin and solving the corn maze mystery!!
Enough pictures, let us go!
 looking at the goats
 watching the chickens and roosters
 Cooper loved the donkeys
 getting in the vat of corn kernels.  His feet were a little tender!
 So Much Fun!
 Kernel Fight!
 Driving the tractor
 Cooper gave Reagan a little help going down the slide
 Trying to feed the ducks
 time to pick out a pumpkin
 he loved the orange and green pumpkin
 Daddy, Gigi & Bubba picked out pumpkins too!
 Reagan found the perfect pumpkin
 on the hay ride
 Searching for clues in the corn maze
 We solved the mystery and made it out!
 Sliding down the big slide
(horrible picture, but just look at their smiles)
 Daddy acting silly on the slide
 tire swing time
 rope climbing contest
We had so much fun today!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Greg's Birthday

Greg celebrated his birthday 46th birthday today.  After church, we had lunch with Gigi, Bubba, Ginger & Alan and then birthday dessert at Menchie's.  We enjoyed a relaxing evening at home followed by a cookie cake (special request by Reagan)
Cooper made Greg a birthday crown
 Cooper got some new boots.  He said he was a "real cowboy now"!
 time for cake
 the party guests ~ Reagan
 and Cooper
Happy Birthday Greg, we love you with all our hearts!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Birthday Get Together

We spent the day at Mamaw & Papaw's house today celebrating birthdays ~ Kim, Helen, Tara, & Greg ~ that occurred within the last 2 weeks.  It was a great time as this was the first time for Helen & Allen to see Reagan since her 1st birthday party and their first time ever to meet Cooper. 

the little cousins
Cooper, Reagan, Keira & Joshua
 dinner time
 Playing outside with Petey
 Joshua played a little ball
 Cooper wanted to hit the ball too
 the cousins
Megan (22), Joshua (3), Cooper (4)
Reagan (7), Keira (7)
 Cooper loved playing ball with Allen
 Papaw played catcher

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pre-K Picture Day

Cooper had his school pictures made today, but of course I had to take a few for myself!
He got a "handsome new shirt" for the occasion

Reagan got her picture made too!!