Thursday, August 30, 2012

Last Day

Today was Cooper's last day working with Bubba (he'll actually work tomorrow, but I won't be there to document) because he starts pre-k next week.  He has had so much fun working with Bubba this summer and has learned EVERYTHING about lawnmowers, just ask him, he'll tell you!.  I just had to take a few pictures while I was there.
getting ready to put the lawnmowers out for the day
watch him work

Monday, August 27, 2012

In the Money

The Tooth Fairy came to visit last night!  Reagan left a note on the kitchen table and requested that her tooth not be taken.  The Tooth Fairy agreed and left a little money for Reagan.
the note

the money
 the excited little girl

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Loss #7

Reagan lost her 7th tooth tonight.  It had been loose and on the verge of falling out for over a week now, but she didn't want anyone to pull it.  So tonight on the way to brush her teeth, it literally just fell out into her hands.  She was so excited, she was doing "the lost tooth dance"!  She can't wait for the tooth fairy to come tonight!!
the new smile
 a little excited
 doing the "lost tooth dance"
In other big news, today is Gigi and Bubba's 52nd wedding anniversary!  We celebrated the day with lunch & Menchi's, but sadly no pictures!!!  HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Pool Time

Our new neighbors have a pool and Reagan & Cooper have been dying to meet them so they could go swimming.  We finally met them earlier this week and tonight, they asked if we wanted to come swimming!!!
Cooper had the best time playing
 Reagan's ready to go down the corkscrew slide
 Pool = Happiness
 having fun with the neighbors
 thumbs up from Cooper

Friday, August 24, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Smiley Boy

Another "found" video of Cooper!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cooper has the hiccups!!

I found this video in "draft" form, so I thought I'd post it.  When was he ever this little?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Parent Orientation

Tonight was Parent Orientation night at Reagan's school.  It started with a short PTA meeting, then we went to the classrooms to meet with the teachers.  On each desk, Mrs S had the children to write a note to their parent(s).  She asked the parents to write a note back to the kids.  
Reagan's teacher is wonderful.  She explained the class rules, schedules, showed us some of their work and we were allowed to look in their text/work books to see what they would be learning this year.

Monday, August 20, 2012


We rode around the neighborhood again this afternoon.  The neighborhood isn't too big (only 20 houses) so we had to make several trips!
he wanted to ride, not get his picture made
Reagan is the scooter princess

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Old & New Friends

This weekend we had some old friends visit us from Texas.  Greg and Dee have known each other practically all their lives.  Dee was in our wedding as was his oldest son Craig.  Dee and his family were in town for Craig's baptism at church, so it was the perfect opportunity to see each other again.  We hadn't seen each other since December of 2006 (Reagan was only 8 months old).  Both of our families have expanded since then!!  We were able to see each other last night for a few hours and then went to church & lunch together today.  The visit was short, but we had a great time.  Greg and I are already planning a trip to Texas to see them again!
Cooper and Hooper acting silly at lunch time
these two would be TROUBLE if they lived closer
 a forever friendship formed
 Dee, Daphne, Tara & Greg
Hooper, Neyland, Reagan & Cooper

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Second Grade Backpack

Today was the second day of 2nd grade and although Reagan had her backpack for the first day of school, we failed to get a picture of it.  Actually, I just thought she was super-cute today and wanted to get a picture of her!!

 she picked the backpack & lunchbox out all by herself and said it was "the best one at school.  Nobody has one like it".

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

1st Day of Second Grade

Today was Reagan's first day of 2nd Grade.  It was the first time in almost 8 weeks that we had to wake with an alarm clock!!!  She got right up and couldn't wait to eat her special request breakfast.
cinnamon rolls for the school girl
 look who's here to join us!  Daddy got home last night after the kids went to bed.  They were thrilled to see him this morning!
 this picture is dark, but it's the best smile of the morning (of course it would be!)
 but we kept trying!
 Cooper can't stand not to be the center of attention
 After school (which was only a half day), we celebrated at Old McDonald's
 Cooper said this was the best smile his mouth would let him have today!
 After we got back home, I tried to get the perfect shot of Reagan and her sign!!
I was so proud of Reagan today.  It has to be hard to walk into a new school where you know no one and don't know where anything is.  My heart was pounding for her.  She did awesome!  She said this was her "best school day ever" and she "just loves her new school and her teacher". 

this is her school work for the day
 she was asked to draw what she did over the summer~
she drew swimming on vacation and moving houses!