Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve 2011

Reagan had the day off from school today, so she and I had a mini "girls' day out".  We went shopping, had lunch and she did something special for Cooper this afternoon.  Once we all were home, we spent most of the afternoon playing outside.

Reagan found some antlers while shopping
lunch at Old McDonald's ~ she even ordered and paid all by herself
Reagan asked Cooper's teacher if she could read to the "little kids" this afternoon.  She chose a book about trucks!
She did an awesome job and was a confident reader
it was a perfect day to fly kites
and ride bikes
my sweet, sweet boy
they collected feathers
they played kickball
they chased each other around the backyard
and pouted when he didn't win!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunny Sunday

The weather can't seem to make up its mind around here, but the kids were more than excited to have an afternoon in the 70s less than a week before Thanksgiving.  They wore short sleeved shirts and shorts/skirt to church today!  After lunch, we took advantage of the weather and expended some energy outside!!

back to the bikes
 Cooper had to do a little maintenance on daddy's bike
 he takes bicycle maintenance very seriously
 pumping up his tires
Reagan can't be bothered with things like low tires!
 time for a family bike ride
 my boy will be FOUR in 10 days!
 Reagan and Greg rode around the entire neighborhood together (about 2 miles)
 Cooper rode around most of the neighborhood (about 1 1/2 miles) while I jogged after him
 Reagan moved on to the scooter
 and then to sidewalk chalk
 what's up with this new smile of his?
 doesn't this picture just melt you?
 my pot of gold!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Giving Thanks

Cooper's school had their annual family Thanksgiving Meal tonight for all the families of the kids that go to FBC.  We dined on a delicious meal of turkey, green beans, corn, mashed potatoes w/ gravy and rolls.  We're thankful for Cooper's school, his teachers and all the workers who love on the kids and teach them about Jesus.

Waiting to eat
 Looking so cute
 dinner is served
 Cooper entertaining the crowd!
 After the meal, we treated the kids to Rita's for dessert (we could have eaten dessert at the dinner, but I comp.etely blanked and forgot to take one and felt guilty about eating someone else's).  No pictures from Rita's, but a cute Cooper story instead.

Cooper was singing "Jesus Loves Me" on the way to Rita's.  When he got to the part "...they are weak, but He his strong" Cooper said, "...they are sweet, but He is strong"!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sunday Snapshots

We had a couple of visitors for the weekend ~ straight off the boat from Greece!  Gigi and Bubba came to see us (we all know the truth is they really came to see Reagan and Cooper, but they humor us and make us feel like they came to see me & Greg too!) this weekend.  They had just returned home from a cruise to Italy & Greece, but didn't let jet lag stop them! 

Since I was pretty lazy with my camera this weekend ~ and since it had been a while since I had taken "group shots", I tried for a few this morning before church.  Here are the best of the bunch!

 and two photos of our family ~ one with Cooper looking at the camera
and one with Reagan looking at the camera

The Model

I had been trying to get Cooper to wear a new shirt to church for about 4 weeks.  He finally agreed to wear it today and I asked if I could get a picture of him in it.  This boy was in the mood for a photo shoot.  He kept asking me to take his picture making all types of funny faces.  This boy is a mess!  We have our hands (and our hearts) FULL!

Friday, November 11, 2011


It's 11-11-11 and Reagan has learned a new important life skill...
