Saturday, September 29, 2012

Girl Scout Overnight

The Girl Scouts are celebrating their 100th anniversary this year.  Tonight, we joined in on the celebration at Bristol Motor Speedway.  The Girl Scouts had a party in the infield of the track and we spent the night at the a tent...on the ground!!
our accommodations for the evening
 We made it to Bristol!
 dinner was provided for us
(Cooper wore the head lamp all night)
 at the opening ceremonies
 Reagan found the crafts booth 1st thing
 Cooper visited the fire truck
we got to do a ride along around the track
 We visited Bruton Smith's luxury suite
 Reagan and Cooper made themselves at home in the suite
 a view of the track from the suite
 at the end of the night, we watched the movie "CARS"
 back in the tent
 having some late night snacks
Reagan and Cooper had the best time camping.  They both said that was their favorite part of the weekend.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Today is my 39th birthday!!  One more year before the big 4-0!  Greg and the kids got me a cake and cards, and then we went to church for a dinner and scavenger hunt.  I think our new small group is going to be lots of fun and have great fellowship.  We won the scavenger hunt tonight!
the cake
 the birthday girl
 my wish ~ a haircut!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Afternoon Fun

The kids had a great time outside this afternoon blowing bubbles, riding scooters and just being silly.
she is an expert on the scooter
 is it a sword or a bubble wand?
My two loves!

Monday, September 24, 2012


Cooper is doing a great job learning his memory verses at church.  This is the verse from Sunday.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Take a Hike

Reagan's Brownie Troop had an adventure today ~ they hiked a portion of the Appalachian Trail.  We drove to the NC/TN state line to begin our hike at New Found Gap.  
Some of the Brownies from Reagan's troop
 the start of the journey
 Park Ranger Caitlin was our guide for today
 we stopped half-way through our hike to eat our energy snacks
 Greg and I had fun on the hike too
 the girls sang some songs
 Reagan and Daddy
 Reagan found a snail on the trail
 The girls had to pick a trail name ~ Reagan's was Butterfly Sandidge
 Reagan and her bestie Kayti, and Kayti's mom
 Reagan, mom & dad

Friday, September 21, 2012

Getting Prepared

Making an energy snack for our big adventure tomorrow!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bubbles and Bikes

We spent a little time outside this afternoon, enjoying the weather and the flat driveway!!!
Cooper found the bubbles in the garage
 he even shared them with Reagan
 Reagan brought out the scooter
 she had so much fun
 the last picture of Cooper on his bike with TRAINING WHEELS
 No more training wheels for this boy.  He insisted that I take them off today so he could be a big boy bike rider.  We practiced for about an hour, hopefully, he will get the hang of it before too long!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Good Life

Reagan and Cooper have it made ~ look how I found them after school this afternoon...watching cartoons, rocking in their chairs Papaw Carl made them.  All they needed was a snack and it would be the "perfect end to the day"!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Make New Friends...

Reagan had her first Girl Scout Brownie meeting this afternoon.  There are 16 girls in her troop and they all go to her school ~ a lot of new friends to make!!  
she has been so excited about wearing her vest all week!
 singing "Make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other's gold"
Let the activities begin!!