Saturday, October 27, 2012

Joshua's 4th Birthday

We helped Joshua celebrate his 4th birthday this afternoon at the park ~ too bad the weather couldn't hold out for one more day, but the kids didn't seem to mind the cold or the wind, they play hard no matter what!
Ready for pizza
 The birthday boy
 Silly girls
 Sweet cousins
 crazy Cooper
 "Hurry and cut the cake"
 Waiting patiently for their piece of cake
 it was so worth it!!
 Cooper helped Joshua open his gifts
 Cooper's practicing for his birthday next month
 all the kids were excited about the presents
 time to play!
 on the tire swing
 big smiles all around
playing hide and seek
 He is so goofy!
 "Race you down the slide"
 Mamaw decided to get in on the fun
 Cooper and the birthday boy
Fun fact:  My papaw Carl was the project leader on building this playground!
Happy Birthday Joshua!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Visit to the Wood Shop

On our way to visit Mamaw & Papaw, we stopped by Papaw Carl's woodshop.  Reagan and Cooper got to see Papaw Carl make the ducks that they love to play with.  They also got to learn all about the tools and even got to use some of them!
 "It's too loud!"
 X marks the spot
 I wish I had gotten a picture of Cooper's face when his papaw drilled a hole in the piece of wood ~ priceless
 Cooper's turn
 Reagan's turn
The saw is loud too 
 Getting a lesson from Papaw Carl on safety
 Feeling how smooth a sander can make the wood
 Papaw Carl showing off!
 Metal is SUPER loud!
 watch the sparks fly
 Cooper rode around the shop in Papaw Carl's chair
 Cooper, Reagan and Papaw Carl
 Papaw, Cooper, Reagan & Papaw Carl
Reagan told me she "was sorry Papaw Carl had to loose his leg, but he looks kind of cool!"

Reagan's 2nd Grade Fall Party

Today, Reagan's class had their fall party.  The kids played games, ate snacks and had a great time.
Making fall cookies
 The class also made popcorn hands
 Decorating treat bags
 Getting ready for the bird seed scoop race
 Next up, the potato sack races
 she had so much fun!
 playing corn hole
 Hula hoop contest - Reagan and Nikki were the last ones standing
 Reagan was the ultimate winner!
 Reagan and Mom
 Making Mummies
The best part of the party - she got to leave school early!!!