Sunday, November 4, 2012

Outdoor Fun

Reagan and Cooper enjoyed a sunny Sunday evening on their playset.
Getting pushed higher and higher
 climbing the rock wall
 on the slide
monkey see
monkey do
 look what we found behind our fence ~ horses!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Busy Saturday

Cooper was invited to a friend's birthday party today and since Greg had to go into work, Reagan got to party too!  The party was at PUMP IT UP, and they couldn't have had more fun!
sliding down the big slide
 jumping in the bounce house
 There was an inflatable obstacle course where Reagan and Cooper raced each other many, many times
 they each had a turn playing air hockey - the app on my phone really paid off!
 all the party-goers
 everyone was asked to make a silly face.  I missed Cooper's, but you can just imagine!
 time for cake and ice cream (at 11am!)
 After the party, we took lunch to daddy, but the kids were most excited about getting to ride the "green thing"
 holding on to the handle bars for dear life!
 she giggled the whole time!
 Dad and his loves!
We also took Greg dinner to work that night, but no pictures of that...I think the kids had had enough of their picture being taken!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween!  The kids had so much fun trick or treating in our new neighborhood and meeting more of our new neighbors.  Although, it is definitely different only having 25 trick or treaters compared to the 100 or so that we had last year!  I think Greg may be going into withdrawal not grilling hundreds and hundreds of hot dogs!
Pirate Cooper
 Rainbow Butterfly Princess Reagan
 2 Extra-Cute Kids
 Arrgh, Matey!
 Her wings were flapping in the wind
 They were so funny last night ~ Reagan was the look out and would run to the door to tell Cooper that "visitors" were on their way.  Then,Cooper would answer the door and hand out the candy!
 A few of our neighbors weren't home, so they just left a bowl of candy on the porch and let the kids help themselves!
 Getting candy from Mr Roy across the street
 Cooper's candy was so heavy, he had to have help carrying his loot!
 Using her balance all around the neighborhood
 trying so hard to be patient while waiting
 Look who's giving out candy at our house ~ Gigi
 My sweet trick or treaters
 enjoying the fruits of their labor