Happy Father's Day Greg! We had a fun filled Sunday at our house. We celebrated Father's Day by just being together ~ and giving daddy a chance to take an afternoon nap!
A picture before church
Cooper's gift of chocolate that he made at school
The note reads: Greatest Dad in the World
Loving, Kind, Gentle, Patient, Understanding,
Caring, Hard Worker, Exceptional, Super.
I think that describes Greg to a "T"
Reagan's card she made at school
Daddy and Reagan like to play basketball
A day wouldn't be complete without Cooper mowing the road!
Reagan is getting so good at riding her bicycle
The road has been mowed, now it must be swept ~ let's just hope he keeps this interest in mowing/sweeping for the next 18 years!
So sweet ~ she picked out the princess T-shirt to match her princess bicycle
Smiling with mommy
Greg wishing Papaw a Happy Father's Day
Cooper wanted to try out Reagan's bicycle
He rides her bike, she mows with his lawn mower!
Inside for a little cheering for daddy
Cooper was "fixing" Greg's feet with his tool set
Jumping for daddy!
Men...doing men things
Cooper had to try out the pom pons too (he also tried on the outfit, but I was forbidden from taking a picture!)
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