Warning ~ very long post...many, many pictures!
Reagan and Greg resumed their daddy/daughter date day and went to the IHOP this morning. (Reagan had 3 pancakes, Greg 2)

Cooper stayed home with mommy and just played & played

We opened the pool today ~ Reagan had to be the one to fill it up!

Making sure the water is going where it is supposed to go

1st splash of the season

Goggles on

Reagan "swimming"

This is Reagan's attempt at going under

Having a great time

Getting a little sun while keeping the feet in the water

Cooper woke up from his nap and got in the pool with us

Looks like it was more fun to pour water out of the pool

Reagan wanted her ring to use as a float

Now he's pouring water back into the pool

Can I just go back inside where it's cool?

Watching daddy mow the grass

Daddy, do you want to cool off over here in the pool?
The boy loves his daddy ~ he waved at Greg every time he passed by for over 30minutes

Swimming's over...snack time

Family portrait before heading out on our family date. Greg and I had originally planned to have a couples date, but babysitting didn't work out, so we went on a family date. And thanks to Uncle Astra, our meal was free ~ we even have enough for dinner and dessert tomorrow too!

Next, we went to Sam's and Reagan decided it was more fun to be parked in front of a TV than to shop

Cooper thought he'd join Reagan and watch the movie

Finally we came home and Reagan decided she wanted to be a cheerleader


Cooper thought the road needed tending to, so he got out his broom

Rah, rah!

That's my boy!

A cheerleader and the grounds crew

He's so proud of himself
What else needs to be cleaned?
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