Showing posts with label Breakfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breakfast. Show all posts

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Tailgating for Jesus

This morning at church ~ in honor of our campus's 4 year anniversary, we tailgated for Jesus! We set up just like you would for a football game, but this time we did it all for Jesus. We had great food and fellowship before the first service and also between services. It was a great time to meet people that go to a different service than we do.

T is for Trinity (Tennessee on Saturdays!)

The Solesbee's had the setup!
Cooper eating his 2nd breakfast of the morning ~ a biscuit
Reagan had a 2nd biscuit too!

Playing catch with daddy
How sweet is this face?

Chasing dad
Cooper eating breakfast #3 ~ a cinnamon roll

The parking lot filled up quickly

Duane gave a brief reading of the Word before going into service
Mr Ronnie had an omelet station set up
I kept Cooper's class today
it was fun to watch him interact with other kids

he got a little jealous when I held other kids, so he wanted to act like a baby!
Cooper zoomed around the class all morning

Here is some of the crowd outside tailgating in between services

It was a great day ~ we should do this again soon!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday Stuff

Not much exciting happening at our house this weekend...

watching cartoons and reading books before breakfast
pink pancakes for Reagan; yellow pancakes for Cooper
delicious pancakes
Reagan was back at her gymnastics class
she was much improved ~ walking on the high beam by herself
Ms Angela told her she was a big girl and could walk on the beam all by herself...and she did!
practicing her v-sit
swinging on the bars

front support all by herself
playing on the computer
This is a video of Reagan doing bunny hops on the high beam without a spot! I'm so proud of her!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Biscuit Boy

This morning, Cooper and Reagan had biscuits for breakfast. Cooper really got into his!! He kept saying, "de-yish-us!"

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sandidge Family Day

Today was a busy day for the Sandidges. From a breakfast date at IHOP, going to Reagan's gymnastics class, on to shopping at Lowe's, then planting flowers, playing and more playing ~ we had a big day. And I must warn you, there is a TON of photographic documentation of our day!

Daddy & Reagan enjoying their pancakes
Mommy & Cooper made happy platesIt was "Jungle Week" at gymnastics
warming up with high kicks
Walking backwards around the jungle
Cooper played with trucks

doing a balance beam obstacle course

Next was a jumping circuit
We found a race car to drive while we shopped
Looking for the perfect flowers

Cooper loved steering
We bought a new bird feeder to put in the backyard (which, by the way, when asked what her favorite part of the day was, Reagan replied "getting a bird feeder")
She loves to walk on the neighbor's rock wall and practice her "balance"
These are the flowers Reagan picked out
Watering her flowers
the watering can is almost as big as she is!
Riding her scooter outside for the very 1st time

Savannah came over to play at our house
They played with sidewalk chalk
they played basketball

they worked on their balance
they tried some new gymnastics moves
they rode in the Jeep together
they played with Cooper's trucks
they played in the sand table
Cooper awoke from his nap and came outside to play too
He loves to dig in the sand
daddy helped him build sand castles

my boys at play
the girls drew crime scene outlines of each other

Cooper also played a little basketball
and a little catch with daddy

Cooper and daddy also played kick ball
he also helped add a little more birdseed to the feeder
He took a ride in the jeep
He sat in the yard parked for about 20 minutes and watched our neighbor, Mr Doug, mow his grass. Cooper was mesmerized! "Listen"
"A helicopter"
Drawing chalk figures

What a great day!!