Showing posts with label Daddy's Boy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daddy's Boy. Show all posts

Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day 2010

Our Labor Day started with Cooper waking up the campers... Looks like the campers may not have gotten enough sleep
Cooper was a little jealous of all the time Reagan was spending with daddy
We went to the park after a delicious pancake breakfast so the kids could run some energy off
We let them ride in the back of the truck from one part of the park to another
Mommy and Reagan in the back of the truck
Swinging with daddy
checking things out
Jumping high

working on balance

swinging on the monkey bars
in the tunnel


As always, a snack must be had

We took Reagan's scooter to the park
Cooper brought his bike too
daddy trying to ride Cooper's bike
We cooked out hamburgers for lunch, then Cooper took a nap. After his nap was over, the kids played with water balloons and in the sprinkler

The sand box ~ an oldie, but a goodie

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fun With Dad

With the time change, it is still daylight outside when Greg gets home (most days) ~ it is such a treat for Reagan and Cooper to be able to play with their daddy through the week. Tonight, duck-duck-goose was on the agenda.

The "goose" is chasing daddy!

"I don't know what they're doing!"
More games

We love it when daddy comes home to play!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday Shots

We love watching the kids play and use their imaginations.

Riding the princess in the parade
Relaxing with daddy Football coma
Kissing the baby "night-night"

Grooming the horse for the paradeGiving the baby another bath Taking a time out for a snack - PeepsFiling the horse's nails Filing is a hard job