Showing posts with label Daddy's Boy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Daddy's Boy. Show all posts

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friends, Food, Football & Fire

It's Saturday, sunny, and there is a UT football game on...what else should we do but have a tailgating party!!!

kids playing while the tailgating area is set up
Eden, Reagan and Cooper
We're ready to cheer!
Cooper getting a ride from his friend Natalie
lunch for the little ones!
mmm, pizza
deep in thought!
Cooper ~ mowing as usual

Picking up golf balls
Mary Poppins
Reagan and mom
Mr Brian had an incident with a tree today and spent a little time in the ER!
Taylor, Caleb, Jacob, Reagan and Lexi on the trampoline

Frank gathered the firewood for us
Duane had the lighter fluid
Greg helped put more logs on the fire
Miki & Cooper enjoyed the fire
Roasting marshmallows
Reagan would rather watch the game
Cooper helping daddy roast his marshmallow
finger-lickin' good!
an ooey-gooey mess!
great friends, good times
Amy and I were a little cold
so what if it was 65 degrees and sunny! ~ the wind was blowing and we were cold!!
Cooper missed his nap today and needed a little love from daddy
back to the trampoline for the kids

while the kids are away, Frank will play!
It's always fun before the shoes melt!
Cooper, Miki, Jessica and Amy
Mom & Cooper
The fire
Cooper and Natalie...
...the chase is on!

Reagan wanted a little daddy love too
Duane and Eden
Brian & Miki

Amy & Jessica

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Spirit Week - Thursday - Track Attack

Today was the big day ~ Track Attack is finally here! Reagan and Cooper had a special treat this morning, Daddy was home and was able to sit at the breakfast table with them!

Picture time with daddy
Happy Birthday daddy
Reagan wore orange again in support of her class color

Cooper was watching for the school bus
When Greg & I went to school for Track Attack, we saw some of Reagan's artwork on the wall

Mrs A's class ready to attack the track!

Watching the 3rd & 4th graders walking around the track
Lined up and ready to go!

Let the 45 minute walk begin!!
As the kids completed each lap, they got the cards marked on their back
walk, walk, walk
Run, Reagan, Run!

The school had water stations set up around the track
Daddy trying to keep up with Reagan
walking with a friend

Reagan and daddy running the final lap
Reagan walked 8 laps ~ her goal was to complete 7 laps!!
Mommy and Reagan
After the race, each student got a Popsicle
Enjoying her treat
Mom & Dad are so proud of you Reagan!
Lining up to go back into the classroom