Showing posts with label Field Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Field Day. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2nd Grade Field Day

Today was Field Day for the 2nd Graders at Reagan's school.  It should have been called water day because all the games were water ones.  The kids had a great time and it was a great way to spend the last full day of school.
water balloon toss
 once your balloon burst, you had to squat down
 catch it!
 don't get wet!
 the next game was drip, drip, squeeze.  Kind of like duck, duck, goose ~ but with water!
 having so much fun!
 Reagan got "squeezed"
 her turn to get everyone
 drip, drip
 running for her life!
 Reagan and Kayti
 squirt bottle tag
 the plunger race
 a plunger full of water...
 pour it in the bucket...
 take the bucket...
 hold the bucket; switch...
 and return the plunger
 squirt gun race
 pass the sponge
 all done...and wet!
 after a change of clothes~
Reagan and Ms Spell

Friday, June 1, 2012

1st Grade Field Day

Today was the first grade's opportunity to participate in Field Day at school.  The kids were divided into "teams" for the first half of the day and competed in relay races.  The second half of the day consisted of fun & games for everyone. 
Reagan's class waiting for their turn
 my big first (almost second) grader
 anxiously awaiting her turn to race
 Her friend Brylyn was on her team
 Cooper was a little disappointed that he couldn't participate, so after a little bit of pouting, he played games on my phone
 getting instructions about the race
 Reagan is always a great cheerleader for her team!
 her leg of the "collect all you can" race
 the hand-off
 Cooper wanted to take Reagan's picture with her newly acquired ribbon
 her team won 1st place!!!
 Next race ~ Animal Racket
 she had so much fun
 more cheering
 running back to show me her ribbon
 another 1st place!
 Getting her team fired up for the next race...
 the Noodle Ball Carry
 the girls won 3rd place in this race
 a little snack & girl time before the next race
 the Hoppity-Hop race
the girls won 2nd place in this race
 What a team!
Brylyn, Reagan, Juliette, Olivia & Emma
 lunch time
 Next event - the Tug of Love
 pull, pull
 Cooper was able to join in to even the numbers for the girls team
 and he helped the boys team too!
 he took this very seriously!
 they played with a parachute
 Next was Star Wars - a lot like dodge ball, but with many more balls!
 Reagan was the ambulance driver
 Water Play
 Cooper joined in on this activity too!
 The last event ~ Marbles in a Pool
 What a fun day!
 a Popsicle for all their hard work
 yep, Cooper got one too!
Reagan and Cooper had so much fun, you would have thought they would be tired, but no such luck!
You can check out scenes from Reagan's kindergarten field day here