Showing posts with label Pre-K. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pre-K. Show all posts

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Snapshots

Tonight, Cooper's school had their annual Christmas play.  This year's theme was "Christmas Snapshots".  The story told the story of the birth of Jesus in snapshots throughout the night.  Cooper was a sheep...the cutest sheep ever born!

walking into the sanctuary
singing songs with some of his class mates

telling me to go back to my seat
ignoring my camera
a few of the four year olds portrayed Mary, Joseph, the Wisemen, and the Star of Bethlehem
one of Reagan's classmates was at the program to see her cousin

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Look who turned FOUR today!  

the birthday boy
 Cooper had a birthday party at school today
 checking out his cupcake
 class photo
 eating his grape kabob
 sweet boy
 getting his birthday spanking from Ms D!
more partying to come!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Eve 2011

Reagan had the day off from school today, so she and I had a mini "girls' day out".  We went shopping, had lunch and she did something special for Cooper this afternoon.  Once we all were home, we spent most of the afternoon playing outside.

Reagan found some antlers while shopping
lunch at Old McDonald's ~ she even ordered and paid all by herself
Reagan asked Cooper's teacher if she could read to the "little kids" this afternoon.  She chose a book about trucks!
She did an awesome job and was a confident reader
it was a perfect day to fly kites
and ride bikes
my sweet, sweet boy
they collected feathers
they played kickball
they chased each other around the backyard
and pouted when he didn't win!!