Showing posts with label Worship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Worship. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


This is just the sweetest video. Mamaw & Papaw Carpenter sent Reagan some "get well" money for her broken arm, so I went and bought her a Hillsong Kids DVD. I figured if she can learn all the words to songs in the cartoons, she can learn songs about Jesus too. Anyway, here is Reagan singing SuperHero. Once she noticed the video camera was on her, she quietened her singing voice and didn't do the motions to the song quite as much. But, it is still sweet none the less. You may need to turn up your volume to hear Reagan sing.

This is the DVD we bought. It is phenomenal. Reagan learned the words and the motions within a couple of days. These worship leaders really know how to get the kids to worship along with them.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Session

A glimpse of our day on Sunday.

We bought Reagan a Hillsong Kids Worship DVD and she loves to sing along. They use microphones, so Reagan had to get hers out too!
Cooper is mobile and is everywhere, he doesn't let a little thing like a jumparoo stop him from getting where he needs to be!
He got his toy!!
Not sure if this is good or bad, but Cooper now smiles on command for the camera!
Reagan donning her princess attire again today

Cooper's really moving now ~ even trying to pull up on everything. Watch how happy he is when he gets to a standing position

Friday, July 18, 2008

Yes, Lord

I originally starting the camera rolling to capture Cooper crawling, but then Reagan began to sing one of her favorite songs about Jesus...and it was just too cute. Sorry the quality is not the best, but the singing is from the heart of a little girl whose favorite is Jesus!
(you may need to turn up the volume)