Showing posts with label dinner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dinner. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Dinner & Donuts

Since Cooper had spent the night with Gigi & Bubba, Greg and I took Reagan out on a date.
She chose Red Lobster
 and we visited the new Krispy Kreme that just opened near our house~ Reagan chose a powdered donut

Friday, August 3, 2012


One of the benefits of our move is being able to have dinner with family!  After a couple of days of unpacking, we had our first meal in our new home.  My mom and dad came up for a visit and so did Greg's parents and sister.  We hope to host many more "family dinners" in the future.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Play Time

Tonight, the kids and I were blessed to have dinner with some of our good friends.  While Cathy and I chatted about everything (and nothing), the kids had a great time playing.
Kara & Cooper
this is the only picture I took all night!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day 2012

We had a busy St. Patrick's Day this year.  Unfortunately, Greg had to work, so he didn't get to join in on the fun:(  We started off the day with Leprechaun pancakes, rode bicycles around the neighborhood, mowed the grass, then the real fun began.  After lunch, Reagan went to a birthday party for one of her friends ~ they've known each other since infant massage classes at the hospital, then they were in pre-school together and now they're in elementary school with each other.  (and by the way, they say they're getting married when they're big!).  After the birthday party, Reagan had soccer practice.

 they scrimmaged each other and her "team" scored!
 Reagan's turn to practice corner kicks
 getting after the ball
 Cooper was there to cheer on his big sister
 taking a water break
 dad called to check on us
 Cooper wanted a turn to be photographer
 tongue out = working hard
 After soccer practice and baths, Greg took the kids to Salsarita's and Rita's while I had a girls' night out dinner with some friends.  We were celebrating Cathy's birthday!
Nicki, me, Jessica, Misty, Julie, Cathy, Elizabeth
 the birthday girl

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday ~ Full of Fun

Today, Reagan's school had their annual Spring Fest.  Unfortunately, Greg had to work today and was unable to join us, but the kids and I had a great time at all the carnival type games.

Reagan wanted to try the cake walk 1st thing
 we didn't win a cake, so we moved on to "Pucker Powder"
 then we went "fishin'"
 Cooper tried his luck at the lollipop tree
 the "nose picker" was a lot of fun
 we spent a lot of time in the gym on the bounce houses and slides
 Reagan wanted to show me her poster she made for the "Jump Rope for Heart" contest (hers is the pink one!)
 more bounce house fun
 Lunch was in the cafeteria ~ "Chick Fil A"
 back to the cake walk
 they tried and tried to win a goldfish
 ...and they did ~ both of them!
 they were so proud of their fish.  Reagan named hers Lucy Rose Sandidge, Cooper named his Rocky Head Sandidge!
 For the highlight of our night, we were invited to dinner at Shawn and Ronnie's house.  It was delicious ~ and better than that, we had 3 great hours of fun and fellowship with some great friends!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Night of Worship

Instead of having our normal Bible study tonight, our group went on a progressive dinner of sorts and to our church's Night of Worship celebration.

we started the night off with dinner at Five Guys ~ delicious hamburgers, hot dogs and more french fries than we could eat!
 Next, we walked across the street to Krispy Kreme Doughnuts 
 the doughnuts were "HOT NOW" and finger-licking good!
 Let the Night of Worship begin
 a better picture without the 2 Krispy Kreme guys!

Finally, we ended the evening with a treat at Rita's Ice
Our hearts (and stomachs) were full by the end of the night!