Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Have a Drink

Snowflake was thirsty tonight from all the travelling back and forth to the North Pole!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Candle Flake

Snowflake found his way into one of the candle holders this morning - hope he doesn't melt!

Monday, December 9, 2013

On the Water

Snowflake is tired of all the rain, he wants to go out on the boat and look at the marine (bath) animals!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

A Note

Snowflake wrote a little note to Reagan and Cooper letting them know he'd missed them while they were away!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Exciting Stuff!

It has been an exciting end to our anniversary day!  After we picked up the kids, we pulled in the driveway to see Snowflake looking out the window, watching for Reagan and Cooper to come back home.
he missed them so much!
 We also had a visitor waiting on us outside our garage...a raccoon!
 It wouldn't move, it would just look up at us and then put his head back down.  Not sure if it is injured, pregnant or just cold.  We'll see if it's still there in the morning!
 We hadn't had family movie night in a few weeks, so we decided to start back up the tradition by having pizza, watching The Polar Express and having cookies and hot chocolate
 And, last but not least, Cooper lost his 2nd tooth this evening!  How cute is that smile?


Greg and I celebrated 17 years of marriage today!!  The kids had a sleepover at Gigi and Bubba's house last night, so we were able to spend the day together, just the two of us!  We had breakfast at Cracker Barrel, ran some errands, lunch at Aubrey's and then went grocery shopping!!!
Greg is so sneaky!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Diving In

Snowflake ate all of the ice cream last night!  Reagan and Cooper love caramel cone ice cream and I guess Snowflake wanted to try some for himself!
I think he likes it!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Snowflake's Snowflakes

Snowflake was busy doing arts and crafts overnight.  He cut out a few paper snowflakes for the kids.  Cooper said he was a "little confused" because Snowflake had snowflakes, it "just doesn't make sense!"
After school today, the kids did their annual gel cling window decorations in their bedrooms.
Cooper's display
 Reagan got in the "snowflake" mood!
 they also decorated a window in the toy room

Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Snowflake wanted to see the Nativity up close this morning.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Light it Up

Snowflake did a little decorating overnight.  The kids awoke to Christmas lights in the hallway!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Bit O'Honey

The kids have recently discovered an old candy favorite, Bit O'Honey.  Snowflake is up to his antics again and wanted to taste the candy for himself!  I think he likes it!
caught red handed!
the kids thought this was hilarious when they found him this morning
 Cooper wanted to show off the Christmas tree in his room
 Not to be outdone, here is Reagan with her tree

Sunday, December 1, 2013

It's Beginning...

Well, it would look a lot more like Christmas if the weather wasn't 60 degrees!  Didn't matter though, we put up the Christmas trees in the living room, Reagan's room, and in Cooper's room.  Then, we went to work hanging lights outside.
Cooper is daddy's helper
 how did he get so handsome?
 after the lights were put up, it was time to ride
A great time of family fun!