Saturday, November 2, 2013

Night at the Titanic

Reagan and I spent the night on the Titanic tonight with a hundred or so other Girl Scouts and their moms.  We were able to tour the museum, watch a movie and "sleep" on the ship.  We got our boarding passes for the ship at 9pm.  The boarding passes were real-life biographies of people who were actually on board the Titanic in 1912.  By the time the tour was over, we had learned about life on the ship for all classes of people and whether or not our person had survived.  Thankfully, both Reagan and my person survived. 
Arriving at the Titanic
 Waiting to get her boarding pass
 some our Brownie troop
the official photo
Mom and Reagan
hanging out in our "quarters" - we were 3rd class passengers
because of copyright laws, they only allowed photos on the staircase:(
 Reagan and Rachel
bed time
We all had so much fun, even if we only got 3 hours of so-called sleep!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Fall Party

Cooper's class held its fall party this morning.  The kids were treated to pumpkin muffins, pumpkin shaped rice krispy treats, oranges and pretzels for their morning snack. After snack time, the kids played games including pumpkin bowling, & hot pumpkin.  They also got to play with homemade play-doh and made a craft.
eating his snack
 being silly in front of his friends
 mom and her boy
 at the play-doh station
 Cooper and his friend Logan
 getting the instructions for hot pumpkin

 will he win?
 finally, after 3 tries he won a prize!
 taking his turn at pumpkin bowling
 at the craft station
 he made a scarecrow
 the limbo
 how low can you go?
 Cooper's teacher said these boys are best friends - and a little bit silly!
After the party, Greg came and ate lunch with us.  Cooper thought he was big man on campus with both his parents there for lunch! 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween 2013

Happy Halloween!  The kids were ready to go trick-or-treating as soon as they got home from school today.  We did go out a little earlier than normal as rain was in the forecast.  But thankfully, the rain held off and Reagan & Cooper were able to their bags full of candy.
the Artic Princess

 showing off his moves
 Headed out for some candy!
 Candy from our next door neighbor Mr. Burl
 striking a pose
can you tell he liked being a ninja?
 one last stop!
 the traditional 1 piece of candy on Halloween night. Reagan opted to watch a cartoon instead of eating candy!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Picture Preview

If the preview photos are this amazing, I can't wait to see the rest!
photos by Bamber Photography