Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Wedding Date

Reagan and I went to the wedding of one of Reagan's school teachers, Ms Christian. This was Reagan's first wedding to attend, and she had quite a few questions ~ "why is Ms Christian dressed like a princess?", "why is she getting measured (married)?", "why is she holding flowers?", "what's that noise (the organ)?", "how old do you have to be to get measured (married)?", "why is that boy standing next to Ms Christian?", and the most important question of all (while the church is quiet and they are saying their vows) "where's the cake?"

Mommy and Reagan on their way!
Self portrait
Reagan's friend Kelsey also came to the wedding ~ they stood together on the very back pew and waved at Ms Christian until she waved back!
Ms Christian and her prince, Dustin
The happy couple
Reagan couldn't wait to get some punch
Where's the cake? last!
the best part of the wedding ~ for Reagan at least
Just a cute picture of Reagan (and Kelsey too!)
Reagan and Kelsey chased each other around the reception hall while waiting on Ms Christian

Kelsey's turn to chase Reagan
Reagan and Ms Christian
Ms Christian and Kelsey
Reagan, Ms Christian and Kelsey
Ms Christian and Dustin
Reagan and Kelsey were so enamored with Ms Christian in her wedding dress
Dancing to the beat!
Hugging Kelsey goodbye...until Monday
As we were going through the receiving line, Reagan said, "I don't want to kiss the prince, just Ms Christian!"

Prince Cooper

While playing dress up with Reagan, Cooper decided he was royalty too!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Fun

After school on Friday, some girls from the neighborhood came over to play chalk with Reagan.

Cooper wanted some chalk for himself

Getting outlined

Drawing hair on her chalk outline
Not happy that he can't eat chalk for dessert!!

License to Drive

Here is a picture of Reagan's driver's license that she had to have to be able to go on her field trip today!

1st Field Trip

Today was Reagan's very 1st school field trip. Her class went from their school building to the gym at the main campus and rode their bicycles around the walking track. They stayed for about an hour and had loads of fun!

Riding bikes into the building
Ready to get going
Ms Gomery handing out traffic signals to the parents
Ready, set, go! Hayden
Richard and Hayden
Reagan's coming through
Meliah and Hayden
Back around the track
Break time ~ time to run around the track
Go Reagan, go!
So much fun!
Reagan and Hayden
Ms Gomery
Keep Going!
Time to go back to school
No tickets and a high five from Ms Gomery
Back to the car