Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Getting Ready for Santa

After we got home from Gigi & Bubba's, it was time to prepare for Santa's visit.
wearing the new pajamas Snowflake gave her
Cooper's new pajamas
 cookies for Santa
 they placed food outside for the reindeer
 In Snowflake's letter this morning, he said his powers would be lifted long enough that the kids could touch him and give him a hug.  Reagan was a little hesitant at first.
 Cooper gave Snowflake a big hug!
 Cooper wanted a group photo
 Once the kids were fast asleep, Santa left a few toys for each of them. 
He left Perler Beads, a Orbeez, and a Kindle Fire for Reagan,
 For Cooper, he left Battleship, Heroes of Imaginext toys, and a Kindle Fire
 As a special treat, he left 2 movies for them to share
Can't wait until Christmas morning!

Christmas Eve with Gigi & Bubba

As is our tradition, we spend Christmas Eve with Gigi and Bubba.  We had a wonderful steak and shrimp dinner with all the trimmings and some of Ginger's famous apple pie for dessert.  Of course, the most exciting part for the kids was opening gifts!
so excited Christmas is finally here!
 Cooper is excited too!
 She has been waiting a long time for this!
 love his expressions
 new sheets
 He got the last TMNT to complete his collection
 this boy loves snacks!
 new fuzzy boots
 a gift certificate for a pedicure
 an Amazon gift card
 a mermaid to play with in the bath
 Cooper was excited about everything
 a motorized T-Rex
 ahh, no fighting!
 time for stockings
 sharing secrets
 I tried to get a picture of the two of us, but Greg wouldn't cooperate!
 this is the best I could get!

Christmas Eve Happenings

Christmas Eve started with one last visit from Snowflake, this time he brought gifts to the kids.  Pajamas for Reagan & Cooper.  And, he left a note reminding them of the true meaning of Christmas.  In the afternoon, we baked cookies in preparation for Santa's visit.
Snowflake bearing gifts
Reading the note Snowflake left
ready to make some sugar cookies
Cooper became bored with the process, so Reagan put the finishing touches on all the cookies

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Card 2013

Our Christmas card for this year...

An Elf After My Own Heart

Snowflake wanted to take a few pictures of his own!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Special Treat

Tonight Reagan & Cooper had a special treat ~ movie night...on a Sunday.  They were treated to cookies and hot chocolate while they watched Jinxed!

Justa Swingin'

We found Snowflake swinging from the doorway this morning!

Saturday, December 21, 2013


We had a "school's out for Christmas Break" celebration today.  We saw the movie Frozen!!!

Slam Dunk

Hoops anyone?

Friday, December 20, 2013

Take a Hint

Snowflake must really be wanting something sweet ~ last night the chocolate chips, tonight he's in the mixer!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

My Two Dates

Today, I was lucky enough to have one-on-one dates with both of the kids!
I had breakfast with Reagan at Muffins with Mom at her school
 After Cooper's class party, I stayed and had lunch with him!