Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Random photos of the week

Finally, a spring-like day where Reagan could go outside and play and burn off some energy!!! Every morning, this is how we find Coooper in his bed. He has this big 'ol bed all to himself, but he prefers to sleep in the corner. We actually get up several times a night to check on him and pull him back down to the other end of the bed, but no matter how many times we get up, he's always in the corner. He's sleeping 11+ hours a night, so he must like it!!!

Reagan spent the evening with Ms Deb on Monday while Greg, Cooper and I went to our small group at church. When we picked her up, she had "found" these flowers for us. Ms Deb was kind enough to put them in a vase and let us bring them home to enjoy at the table!