Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Boat Trip

Reagan and Cooper enjoyed their 1st boat trip of 2008 at Gigi and Papaw's house. They both had a great time, however Cooper wasn't too fond of his life jacket, but he did like getting in the water.

Ready to get out on the waterHow cute is this??? Couldn't you just eat him up?
Reagan having a swim in the lake
Family photo in the lake
Mom and Reagan having a great time. Enough with the pictures, Reagan is ready to "swim by herself"

Cooper's enjoying his time in the water too

Monday, July 7, 2008

More Fun at Mamaw and Papaw's House

More pictures of the fun Reagan had while visiting family.

Playing play-doh with Keira
Reagan having a picnic with Mamaw, Papaw, Keira and mom Blowing bubbles with Keira 4 cousins - Reagan, Cooper, Megan and Keira Playing peek-a-boo in the playhouseA cute video of the girls dancing to "Skip to My Lou"

Papaw Carl

Reagan and Cooper also got to visit with their great-grandfather, papaw Carl last week. Reagan hadn't seen papaw Carl in over a year and a half and it was Cooper's 1st time to meet him.

Sink Bath

Cooper got to take a sink bath while at Mamaw & Papaw's house. He seemed to enjoy it. Come to think of it, there's not much he doesn't smile about!

The Icee Man

While we were at Mamaw and Papaw's house, the Icee Man came around and Reagan was able to enjoy one of the treats of my childhood! She choose grape for her 1st experience...and like any good photojournalist, I had to capture it on film!!

Visit with Mamaw & Papaw

Over the July 4th holiday, Reagan, Cooper and I took a trip to Tennessee to visit Mamaw and Papaw. We all had a great time and enjoyed playing with our aunts, uncles and cousins.

Reagan & Keira eating breakfast
Pretending to take a nap
Cooper's 1st time in the swimming pool - I think he liked it!!
Waving bye to Uncle Byrd
What fun they all had
They may be best friends one day

Monday, June 30, 2008

Pool Party

Sunday, Ms. Beth threw herself a birthday party at her pool and invited me & Reagan. We had a great time swimming and enjoyed the cookout afterwards.

Getting ready to jump in!
Relaxing on the float
Having fun
Mom & Reagan enjoying their time together
Reagan always loves a party

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Magical Moments

One of Reagan's classmates had a birthday party at school Friday. One of the party favors was a princess septor. Reagan, however, decided it was a magician's wand and tried to turn all of us into something different.
Abra Cadabra, turn Cooper into a cow!

A Few Firsts

Cooper had a couple of "firsts" on Friday...

1st time on a wagon ride He had a great time taking in all the scenery
Reagan was a great big sister and explained to him all the colors of the flowers and what the animals were and what sounds they made
He didn't like it when I stopped for pictures, he wanted to keep going
1st time to sit in grass
In the beginning he was very interested in this new texture...
but then, he decided he would rather be held than sit in the grass. Can't say that I blame him!

Cupcake Cutie

This week, Reagan decided she wanted to make Greg some cupcakes for his "welcome home" day. She picked out the flavor of the cake mix and the icing herself and waited patiently all week for Friday so she could bake the cupcakes.

Mixing the batter
Putting the liners in the muffin tins
Making sure the icing is creamy
Putting icing on the cupcakes
Making sure the icing is just right
Next comes the sprinkles
Each sprinkle was placed with care
Every great chef licks the spatulaThey look good enough to eat...and that's what we did!

The Pick Up

All of Reagan's classmates love to meet Cooper at the door to tell him goodbye for the day. Friday, I took him into their classroom, and I don't know who had more fun. Cooper loves being the center of attention ~ watch him look around to everyone to make sure they are all paying attention to him!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Now We Know...

who Cooper looks like ~ Alton Brown from the Food Network. One of my co-workers mentioned that to me this week, and I must say, I have to agree!! However, I bet Alton has to pay a pretty penny to get the haircut Cooper has naturally.

So what do you think?