Sunday, October 19, 2008

When Gigi Comes To Visit... know there's play doh in the near future!! The first thing Reagan asks Gigi to do when she gets here is to play play doh. And Gigi always agrees.

Fun With Sidewalk Chalk

Reagan loves to draw with sidewalk chalk. She especially likes it when she's allowed to draw in the road!

Playing Hop Scotch She thought it would be fun to hop on her name too!
Here are several videos of her playing hop scotch

Reagan asked me to draw a cave and a bat, but when I started drawing the bat she said it looked like a pillow and wanted me to draw blankets too. She then layed down in the middle of the road and pretended to take a nap...the only nap she got on Saturday!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Reagan has been asking to get a Halloween pumpkin for about a week. Today was her lucky day! We found a pumpkin patch and let her pick out her own pumpkin ~ Cooper got to pick one out too!

Does this one look ok?
Cooper's got his pumpkin in hand
Such a sweet boy!
Decisions, decisions
How about this one?
Next stop, home.
As usual, Reagan had to be the one in control!

Quintessential Cooper

This picture is the perfect description of Cooper ~ always happy, always smiling no matter what the situation. We are so blessed!

A New Car

Gigi and Bubba came for a visit this weekend and brought Reagan a new car ~ a pink and purple Barbie jeep.

Checking out her new wheels
Turning the key in the ignition
Going down the driveway
All done for the day
Reagan rode in the jeep for about 5 minutes, and then decided she was "all done, it's too loud for my ears". Oh well, maybe she'll be ready for a new car when it's at Gigi and Papaw's house.

Cute Kids

I know they're mine, but I still think they're cute!

Ready for school in their Halloween t-shirts

Friday, October 17, 2008

Give the Boy Some Food

We've started giving Cooper some table food and as you can see, he's really taken a liking to it! This is after a 6oz bottle and 2 jars of baby food. We are in TROUBLE when he starts eating table food all the time.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Water Baby

Reagan has discovered the fun of laying down in the bathtub. She won't talk while she's doing this because she says she's swimming with the fish!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Daddy's Day

Today is Greg's 42nd birthday. Reagan started the day off for him by singing "Happy Birthday" to him over the phone. Greg was able to get off work about an hour earlier than usual, and we had a surprise steak dinner waiting on him at home.

Reagan and Cooper made daddy a special poster
Cooper helping out Putting stickers on the poster Happy Birthday Daddy! Blowing out the candles in the birthday potato Cooper, Daddy & Reagan Let's eat Reagan enjoying Greg's cake that his coworkers bought for him

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sleeping Bag

Greg got a new sleeping bag this weekend for his upcoming Emmaus Walk. Reagan had to be the first one to try it out.

She watched cartoons like this for almost an hour
Then she decided it would be fun to have mommy get in the sleeping bag too. She even got us some pillows!

Dancing Machine

Cooper's not going to let Reagan be the only one to show off some moves ~ here he is dancing to Kenny Loggins' song, Footloose.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Wagon Walk

We're taking advantage of the great weather we've had lately and going on wagon walks around the neighborhood.

Ready to ride
Reagan trying to give Cooper a drink from his sippy cup
Saying "Cheese"
Cooper wants to know how much longer he has to be strapped in!