Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas w/ Gigi & Bubba

On Saturday, we drove to Tennessee for the first of our many Christmases in that great state. Saturday was Christmas at Gigi & Bubba's house.

Playing outside before the festivities begin
Riding the Big Wheel
Cooper couldn't reach the pedals (not that he knows how to pedal anyway), but he didn't let that slow him down. He would just lift his feet and go screaming with laughter down the driveway. Didn't scare him, but it sure scared me!
Reagan's turn on the Big Wheel
She couldn't reach the pedals either, but she sure did look cute!
Cooper had to come inside and make a few phone calls before dinner
Reagan entertained herself by jumping off the step stool
An intimate dinner ~ Bubba and Ginger were both sick, so they couldn't attend our annual Sandidge steak & shrimp feast
Looking over the gifts
Cooper is ready to open his presents
gummy snacks in the stocking ~ we must pause to eat a snack!
Reagan's stocking had gummy snacks in it too!
A Tinker Bell costume
Reagan got lots of crafts to paint
more play doh
Ceramics to paint
Cooper loves his wheel barrel

New Little Einsteins movies
Cooper got new fire trucks that they both loved to play with
Cooper riding "horsey" on Reagan's back

Reagan's new rain coat
One more gift
Mommy & Cooper's self portrait
A new camera for Cooper
Photo courtesy of Reagan
another photo courtesy of Reagan (she might be trying to take my job!)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas from our house to yours. We woke up this morning to a white Christmas (so it is left over from the snow last week, but we are still having a white Christmas none the less!). The kids opened their presents and played until lunchtime and then took a nap. Here are a few (many more on the camera!) shots from our day.

The view from our front porch
Look what Santa left ~ a all in one nursery and achoo baby a Barbie RV Camper
and a Razor Scooter for Reagan Cooper was left a Lego Fire Station HouseA Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and a GeoTrax Safari Train set
coming down the stairs to see what Santa left for them

Santa ate all of his cookies and drank all the milk

Taking care of her new baby

trying out the scooter

Hooking on the caboose

I got some red velvet cake from Santa
Of course, Cooper wanted to play with Reagan's toys In the stocking were some stamps & stamp pads to add to her collection a water ball pink, blue & purple fingernail polish
Cooper got some high bouncing balls in his stocking

Feeding the baby again
Reagan got some fingernail stickers in her stocking
Maybe he should ask Santa for a baby doll next year He loves to ride horsey on my back
Reagan wanted to try out Cooper's toys too
Playing together
Santa sent Greg a new Rick & Bubba CD
taking the baby's temperature
Hanging with dad
back to playing

A Christmas message from Reagan
A dance from Cooper
And, a few quotes of the day from Reagan ~ "this is the best gift ever!", " just what I always wanted!", "Santa is the best!", "Daddy, you're not Santa. Don't say Ho, Ho, Ho!", " He must have loved my cookies", "Hey I had that first!", "Mine", "No, Cooper. Go away".
Merry Christmas everyone!