Friday, November 22, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Just playing catch up from the last few weeks worth of school activities.
Cooper - learned all about bats
 We learned Cooper's favorite shape was a square!
 Cooper also learned that bears hibernate and eat "fesh"
 Cooper likes to play with dad in a snowball fight!
 Reagan became Student of the Week at her After School Program
 Reagan also earned a certificate and movie day at school for reading 5 books over the summer, writing a letter to the author and illustrating each book. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Lost Again

The Tooth Fairy sure has been busy at the Sandidge house this week!  Reagan pulled her own tooth this morning - #9!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

School Portraits

Although picture day was a few weeks ago, we just got back the kids' pictures.  
Cooper - Kindergarten 2013
 Reagan - 3rd Grade 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

5 Fat Turkeys

Cooper learned a Thanksgiving song at school and sang it ALL NIGHT for us!
now, with motions

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Laser Tag

Cooper was invited to a friend's birthday party today.  The party was held at a local laser tag facility.  Although the accessories were adult sized, the kids had a great time!
ready for battle
 Cooper and his best buddy Logan
 aiming at the taget
 checking out his weaponry
 the camel colored team on the hunt
 setting up strategy
 Cooper is under attack
 the best part of the party - cake...decorated with Ninja Turtles
 the party goers
Cooper and the birthday boy, Ayden

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Lost It!

It was a big day for my boy - he lost his first tooth!  He pulled it out himself at school.  He looks so cute with his snaggle-tooth grin!
 he still has a great smile!
 His permanent tooth is already starting to show through

Monday, November 11, 2013


Reagan wore her stylish blue jean jacket to school today.  She wanted to get her picture made looking "so beautiful"!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Swings and Soccer

We spent a few hours outside this afternoon swinging, climbing and playing soccer.
sweet boy
 goofy boy
 sweet girl
 he's really in to making funny faces
 higher and higher!
 monkey boy
 climbing high
 victory dance
 soccer time
like brother...
like sister
 teaming up against mom and dad
So. Much. Fun!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Painting Party

The PTA at Reagan's school held a painting party tonight.  Everyone was given a canvas to paint their interpretation of "greatness"  Reagan was in her element and had a great time.
ready to paint
 the first stroke
 Cooper passed the time by playing games on my phone
 making progress...
 getting closer...
 the finished product