Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cooper's 6th Birthday - Bowling Party

My baby turned 6 today!  So hard to believe!
Cooper had so much fun at his birthday party last year, that he decided he wanted another party at the bowling alley...this time with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme.
the decorations
 the cake
 3 generations of Sandidge men
 the birthday boy!
 Reagan got the action started
 choosing the right ball is tough
 dancing to the music
 Andy and Joshua had a good time too!
 Cooper gave everyone bowling tips!
 she got a SPARE!
 Keira did well!
 look at his form!
 getting a high five from dad!
 Keira and Reagan
 action shots
 willing the ball to go straight
 Cooper and Joshua picking the right ball
 "Hey Mom!"
Pizza time 
 He gives this party 2 thumbs up!
 such a poser!
 Greg's got game!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We spent Thanksgiving with my family this year.  After all the surgeries of the last few months, we have a lot to be thankful for!  Here are scenes from the day!
Byrd carved the turkey
 the kids played
 Joshua and Cooper
 Reagan and Keira
 the ladies preparing the meal
 the kids are ready to eat!
 my about-to-be-6-year-old
 silly Joshua
 after dinner and dessert, the kids did a little artwork for us

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Little Bit

We woke up to a little bit of snow this morning...barely enough to cover the ground.  Thankfully, it was much less than the 2-4 inches predicted.  School was already out for the start of Thanksgiving holiday, so no worries there.  But, Greg & I had to go to work and the kids went to day camp.  The roads didn't have any snow on them, so off we went!  The temperature was at freezing all day, so this little bit stayed around until lunch!
Maybe next time we'll get enough to play in!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Field Trip - Wonder Works

Reagan's 3rd grade class went on their first field trip of the year.  They went to Wonder Works in Pigeon Forge.  I believe they all had a great time~it's like a mega discovery museum.
ready to play
 we rode in a helium balloon (tethered)
 Mrs. G's 3rd grade class
 ready to go up in the air
high in the sky
 Reagan and Mom
 our view from above
 once inside, we played lots and lots of games
 we weathered a hurricane
 we put on harnesses and trekked high above everyone
 Reagan got to play a "BIG" piano
 we played mind games
 and we played in huge bubbles
After a few hours of play, they had lunch and then went back to school.  A nice way to start Thanksgiving break!