Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hung by the Chimney with Care

Snowflake must have gotten the story confused!  He hung the kids' underwear by the chimney with care!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Quiet Time

Snowflake opted for a quiet evening reading books!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Bigger is Better

Apparently Snowflake didn't like getting tied up by the dinosaurs last week.  We found him in the toy room with the bigger, stronger, mega-dinosaurs this morning!

Rainforest Diorama

Reagan had her first-ever social studies project due for school today.  She created a diorama depicting the rainforest.  She had to include animals and plants that make their home in the rainforest ~ she chose a red-eye tree frog, alligator, snake, jaguar, tapir, and iguana for the animals; moss, ferns, vines, and orchids for the plants.
She did a great job!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Snowflake snuck into Cooper's room last night and hid in his tree!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Gingerbread Houses

Snowflake left a note on the bathroom mirror for the kids this morning.
We decorated gingerbread houses today too! 
the finished products

Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas Lights at Dollywood

We're still making good use of our season passes to Dollywood that we received for Christmas last year.  We went to Dollywood tonight to see all of the lights.  It was cold, but we were bundled up! Reagan kept commenting just how beautiful the lights were and she thanked us over and over for bringing her.  Cooper was so excited, he was a wild-man!
Merry Christmas!
 mom & Cooper - Reagan was not in a picture taking mood
 I love to see trees with lights on every branch
 we watched a mini parade - I actually thought it would be more elaborate, but the kids enjoyed it!
 Santa on his sleigh 
 riding the carousel
 the train station
 strong dad!
I forgot to take a picture of Snowflake this morning, but he was just asleep on the couch covered up with a washcloth that he was using for a small blanket - I guess all the going back and forth to the North Pole every night is catching up with him!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Date Night

The local Chili's restaurant held a daddy/daughter date night tonight.  So, not to be outdone, Cooper and I went on a date night of our own!
He choose pizza!  We had a great time!
Greg and Reagan had fun too, but unfortunately Greg didn't document the occasion!