Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter Snow Party

Cooper's kindergarten class had their Winter Snow Party (or what used to be called a Christmas Party in the good ole days) today.  The kids had a great time and are ready for the Holiday (Christmas) break!
the snacks
 getting instructions from Mrs. S
 snack time
 we got photo-bombed!
 Cooper looking over his shoulder to make sure it doesn't happen again!
 playing in snow
 making bracelets
 lining up for pin the nose on the Snowman
he did a good job!
blowing whistles with Logan
 craft time
 a new ornament
 lastly, they played snowball bingo
 He just realized he got BINGO!
 picking out his prize


We think Snowflake may have a little chocolate problem!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hung by the Chimney with Care

Snowflake must have gotten the story confused!  He hung the kids' underwear by the chimney with care!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Quiet Time

Snowflake opted for a quiet evening reading books!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Bigger is Better

Apparently Snowflake didn't like getting tied up by the dinosaurs last week.  We found him in the toy room with the bigger, stronger, mega-dinosaurs this morning!

Rainforest Diorama

Reagan had her first-ever social studies project due for school today.  She created a diorama depicting the rainforest.  She had to include animals and plants that make their home in the rainforest ~ she chose a red-eye tree frog, alligator, snake, jaguar, tapir, and iguana for the animals; moss, ferns, vines, and orchids for the plants.
She did a great job!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Snowflake snuck into Cooper's room last night and hid in his tree!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Gingerbread Houses

Snowflake left a note on the bathroom mirror for the kids this morning.
We decorated gingerbread houses today too! 
the finished products