Wednesday, January 8, 2014

No School Again

School was closed again today due to the cold weather, so the kids headed to camp for one more day!  Tonight, they played in the toy room and had fun calling Greg on FaceTime while he's in Texas!
They have a huge toy room, but this is where they choose to play!
 silly boy
 Reagan loves her Fuse Beads
 talking to Dad
 Cooper wanted a picture him and Greg together
 Reagan talking to Greg
Come home soon!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


It is too cold outside for me!!
This was the temp during my workout this morning
 but wait it got even colder..
Schools were closed today due to ice.  Hopefully, they'll be back in session tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

We made it long enough to say goodbye to 2013 and welcome in 2014! 
Now it's time to get some sleep!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Movies in 3D

We continued our tradition of a weekly family movie night, but this time, the movie was in 3D.  It was fun to watch the kids try to touch the sea animals as they appeared to be coming out of the screen!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Flipping Out

Just a little before bed time fun!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas with Mamaw & Papaw

We drove down to Mamaw & Papaw's house to have Christmas with everyone there.  Before the kids were able to open their gifts, we ate a delicious lunch.
let's hurry and eat so we can open our gifts
 more fuzzy boots...brown this time
 a TNMT clock/radio
 more TMNT paraphernalia
 the hottest item this season, a bracelet maker
 TMNT pajamas
 Zoo passes for Reagan and Cooper!!!
 the newlyweds ~ Megan & Morgan with their Duck Dynasty headbands!
 Joshua & Cooper got Nerf guns from Kim & Byrd
 annual grandkids picture
Keira (8.5), Joshua (5), Megan (23), Cooper (6), Reagan (8.5)
 Morgan's one of them now!
 having a birthday party for Jesus
 sweet cousins

Christmas Morning 2013

Merry Christmas!  Here are snapshots of our morning!
Reagan and Cooper coming down the steps getting a glimpse of their gifts
 look what Cooper got!
 Oooh, Battleship!
 More toys to go with his Eagle Talon Castle
 Kindles for both
 this was the scene for the rest of the morning!
 opening stockings 
 a shirt from Reagan
 she got a necklace from Cooper
 excited over gum!
 reading a card from Ms Connie
 Cooper got a card from Ms Connie too!
 Cooper gave Greg a #1 Dad medal that he wore all day!
The Savior—yes, the Messiah, the Lord—has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!
Luke 2:11