Saturday, February 1, 2014

Work Before Play

After being out of school for a week due to snow and ice (of which, I missed ALL of it because I was out of town for work), the kids were going stir crazy!  So, this morning, I put them to work... chores... dusting, vacuuming, dishes, and anything else I could think of!  We worked until noon, then they were able to watch a few cartoons for their good work effort.
Cleaning the air return grates
 vacuuming the toy room
 vacuuming the stairs
 the stairs down to the basement needed vacuuming too!
 Then, it was time to play...
...rock climbing
 ...a little swinging
 ...ok, a lot of swinging
playing kickball

...having wheel barrel races
 spending time with dad
 more kickball
 So good to be outside!
 Reagan didn't want to come outside and play, she took a shower and played inside
she has such a great imagination

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunny Sunday

After a week of below freezing temperatures, it was finally warm enough to go outside and play.  We had fun throwing the football, playing on the swing and shooting Nerf guns at each other!
 this girl loves to swing
 a family friendly game of football
 kicking off
look at that form!
 watch how his face changes as the ball gets closer to him
 all smiles
 squinty - eyed
 not too sure about this
 eyes closed
 he looks like he's in pain!
 he caught it!
 time to throw
back to the swings
 Cooper also learned how to pump his legs to swing today!
 rock climber
 acting a fool!
monkey boy!
Reagan wasn't too interested in having her picture made or playing with the family today

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Girl Scout Cookie Rally

This afternoon, our local Girl Scout Council held a rally to kick off cookie selling season. We also attended this event last year.  Many improvements were made to the rally that got the girls more involved.
Who wouldn't want to buy cookies from this sweet face?
 there was an obstacle course the girls had to complete while carrying a cookie on a spatula
 a balloon toss race
 partnering balloon waddle
 crafts were Reagan's favorite
 the girls role-played cookie booth sales
 Reagan was the cashier
 they got to taste the cookies too
So, who would like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?