Saturday, April 18, 2015

10th Birthday Pottery Painting Party

Reagan celebrated her upcoming 10th birthday with a pottery painting party.  She was so blessed that many family and friends were able to attend and celebrate with her.
Ready to get her paint on!
 the party set-up
 party guests:
Annabelle, Reagan, Olivia, Chloe, Cooper, Joshua, Keira & Maggie
 excited to paint
 even the boys had a good time
 mamaw, papaw, Byrd, dad, Bubba, Gigi & Ginger (Kim and I were helping the painters!)
 time to blow out the candles (in ice cream!)
 this girl loves ice cream
 time for gifts ~
a purse & wallet from Maggie and Annabelle
 a nightgown and fuse beads from mamaw & papaw
 movie theater gift card from Keira & Joshua
 gloves for ice skating and a sign language book from Cooper
looking through the sign language book
Cooper was very excited to surprise her with this gift!
 Pokemon cards from Olivia
 Lego Friends from Ginger
 a recorder, music sheets, bubbles and bubble gun from Kim, Byrd, Megan & Morgan
 Everyone had so much fun!
on our way to dinner!
 the boys were so goofy...and loud...and silly...and loud
 girl cousins
 The ice cream cake looked just like her invitation
 Reagan chose Red Robin for dinner and the wait-staff sang to her
 she was a little embarrassed
 enjoying more ice cream
saying goodbye for the evening
 More presents?
 More Lego Friends from Gigi & Bubba
 and piggy bank money
 Can't believe she'll be 10 in less than a week

Friday, April 17, 2015

Puppy Love

Believe it or not, Reagan and Cooper have really taken to the dog of a couple in our small group.  They just love Essie and ask about her all the time.  They were able to visit with her a little tonight...and then the dreaded question came..."when can we get a dog?".  umm, if I have my way, that'll never happen!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Scooter Ride

An afternoon full of scooter-riding fun!