Friday, May 9, 2008

Foot in Mouth

Cooper "found" his feet about a week ago, but today he learned he could actually put them in his mouth!!

Movie Night

Cooper thought he'd found the perfect opportunity to watch Reagan's movies while she was busy playing with something else.
Not so fast, Cooper. Reagan wants to watch with you. Notice how he's having to look over her shoulder because she moved the DVD player in front of her only!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Dinner with Friends

Tonight, we were invited to have dinner with some of our friends from church, Shawn and Ronnie. And of course, we graciously accepted! Ronnie and Shawn have been such a blessing to our lives. They've become really great friends to Greg and me and have become surrogate...dare I say... grandparents for Reagan and Cooper. (I'm sure they would prefer to be called surrogate aunt and uncle!)

Reagan at Play

We have been taking advantage of the summer weather we've been having lately. Today Reagan wanted to go outside and draw with her sidewalk chalk, so that's what we did.

Isn't she just beautiful?

Here's daddy's portrait of him and Reagan. She was so excited that he put 2 ponytails on her picture!

Reagan wanted both Greg and I to sit like her with our legs crossed. She kept saying "criss cross, apple sauce guys!"

We love our princess!For the cute quote of the day: Reagan wanted to pass out the chalk to me and Greg. She kept saying, "Who wants chalk? Raise your hands. Shhh, be quiet and line up guys. I'll call your name for chalk". She must have heard this at school once or twice

Super Man

Here is Cooper's imitation of Super Man. We think he's our super boy and will probably running the house before too long!
Look at the sweetness just dripping from his chin

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday Snapshots

As usual, every Sunday I try to take pictures of the kids before heading out to Jesus' House and today was no different.

My sweet baby Cooper James

Reagan informed us today that her name is Princess Leigh Sandidge, NOT Reagan or Cooper's big sister

This was the last shot before Cooper needed a wardrobe change. (notice Reagan's purse...again, it goes EVERYWHERE with us!)

Here's what he ended up wearing to church Reagan wanted to give one last goofey smile for the camera

For the cute quote of the day: Reagan now likes to use "clean shoes" to blow her nose with!! (She can't decide whether to call them kleenex or tissues, so she came up with kleensues)

He Said It!

Cooper has said his first word...dada, of course. He doesn't use it in the proper context, but Greg says he'll take whatever he can get. Especially since he isn't saying mama!!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What Did You Say?

Reagan was having a good big sister moment with Cooper - she had been letting him watch one of her videos with her and telling him what was going on. They were having a great time laughing and playing. I ran to get my camera to film it, then this happens....

In case you couldn't hear it...

Reagan: I want to bite Cooper, Mommy. I want to bite Cooper.

Mom: What??

Reagan: I want to bite Cooper

Mom: You want to bite Cooper?

Reagan: Uh-huh

Mom: Why?

Reagan: I want to bite him

Mom: No, let's not bite him

Reagan: OKay

Talking to Papaw

Here's a video of Cooper talking to his papaw Rick. I'm sure they'll have many great conversations as the years go by!!!

A Girl and Her Job

Reagan has a job to do every afternoon when she gets home from school. OK, so it's just coloring or drawing, but she takes it very seriously!! Today, she was able to work outside. Notice the determination on her face. Also note the purse and the backpack that go EVERYWHERE with us!

Out of the Mouth of Babes

Reagan has been so helpful with Cooper. She loves to read him stories and dance for him. Last night, she decided it was time to read to him. The conversation went a little like this:

Reagan: Cooper look at me, I'm reading to you
Cooper: ydakd, akdoe, dkaj, dakd
Reagan: Shh, Cooper, listen to me
Cooper: ajie, efioja, jwiejrk, ueioa
Reagan: Come over here, I want to give you a kiss!

Reagan also likes to help give Cooper a bath. Last night, her "job" was to put lotion on him.
Quote of the Day: Look, Cooper has one like daddy's!!
That's an improvement from Cooper has a boo-boo on his privates!

5 Months Old

Cooper turned the big 5-M-O yesterday!! He's now 5 months old and growing like a weed. He has the best personality (now that the colic days are over...those were pretty rough!) and his favorite things are napping, watching Reagan and laughing!!!