Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Few Firsts

Cooper had a couple of "firsts" on Friday...

1st time on a wagon ride He had a great time taking in all the scenery
Reagan was a great big sister and explained to him all the colors of the flowers and what the animals were and what sounds they made
He didn't like it when I stopped for pictures, he wanted to keep going
1st time to sit in grass
In the beginning he was very interested in this new texture...
but then, he decided he would rather be held than sit in the grass. Can't say that I blame him!

Cupcake Cutie

This week, Reagan decided she wanted to make Greg some cupcakes for his "welcome home" day. She picked out the flavor of the cake mix and the icing herself and waited patiently all week for Friday so she could bake the cupcakes.

Mixing the batter
Putting the liners in the muffin tins
Making sure the icing is creamy
Putting icing on the cupcakes
Making sure the icing is just right
Next comes the sprinkles
Each sprinkle was placed with care
Every great chef licks the spatulaThey look good enough to eat...and that's what we did!

The Pick Up

All of Reagan's classmates love to meet Cooper at the door to tell him goodbye for the day. Friday, I took him into their classroom, and I don't know who had more fun. Cooper loves being the center of attention ~ watch him look around to everyone to make sure they are all paying attention to him!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Now We Know...

who Cooper looks like ~ Alton Brown from the Food Network. One of my co-workers mentioned that to me this week, and I must say, I have to agree!! However, I bet Alton has to pay a pretty penny to get the haircut Cooper has naturally.

So what do you think?

Captain America

I didn't realize how many 4th of July outfits I had bought Cooper. I had bought some last year when I was pregnant and more this year when the season hit. Oh well, he had one for each day this week, although it was Wednesday before I started taking pictures of his outfits. (And yes, I know 4th of July isn't actually until next week, but their school is closed next week and we had to get the outfits in while we could!!)

Thursday, June 26, 2008


a vegetable he will eat ~ carrots!!

Hop, Skip & Jump

The girl does love her hop-scotch! We played this forever yesterday while looking for daddy in the airplanes that flew overhead.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Fun Videos

Here are a few videos from last night. Contrary to what you might see, they really do love each other!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Beautiful Babies

Enough said...

Monday, June 23, 2008

Sunday Best

Here are a few pictures of Reagan and Cooper all ready to go to church Sunday.

We don't know if Reagan is gritting her teeth or smiling, but we do know she wanted to hold Cooper's hand for the picture...and wouldn't stop until he cooperated!
What a smile this boy has! He just lights up a room.
And now for the shocker of the day....don't adjust your're not seeing things! Reagan is wearing a dress!! She asked me last week if we could go buy a dress at the store so she could wear it to Jesus's house Sunday, so that's what we did!!! She even picked it out all by herself. As a matter of fact, she picked out two dresses. Maybe she's a girly girl after all. (Note: the 7 band-aids on her legs aren't for boo-boos, they're the latest trend in 3 year old fashion.)
A follow up on a previous post: Reagan now wants to be Reagan Leigh Sandidge the princess when she grows up!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Let's Eat

Cooper had his first "meal" in the highchair yesterday. We'd been feeding him in the bouncy seat because it leans back and gravity helps the food go down the right direction!! He does love his fruits, but still refuses (and by refuses I mean spits, cries, purses his lips together and refuses to take a bite) of vegetables of any kind. I thought I could trick him by feeding him peaches and then switching to sweet potatoes (same color of orange and they're both sweet), but alas the kid is smarter than me!!
Daddy couldn't get the spoon in fast enough
Dinner time!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Welcome Home!

Reagan and I decided to welcome daddy home with a big surprise! We made him a poster and greeted him at the door with it when he got home.

Reagan hard at work
She's explaining to me where daddy's been and what colors she's using on the poster I'll let her tell you what she's doing and why
The finished product
So happy to see her daddy again!