Monday, November 17, 2008

Cooper James

He's getting to be such a big boy ~ hard to believe he'll be a year old in 2 weeks!

Playing ball - Reagan has decided she likes to be the center of attention

Dancing to When the Saints Go Marching In - then getting mad when daddy won't give him the phone!
Dancing to a Happy Meal toy

Look Who Came To Dinner

Last week, Reagan and her class learned about Super Heroes ~ Bat Girl, Super Girl, Spider Girl. They learned how Super Heroes help their friends and make the world a better place. They even dressed up like them.

Here's Reagan as Bat Girl

The next week, they learned about pets and all the kids were allowed to bring their pets to school for show and tell. Ms Gomery said Reagan actually petted some of the animals which surprised us all. On Friday, each of the kids played veterinarian. Reagan wanted to be addressed as Dr. Reagan or Dr. Sandidge all weekend. She would ask, "Can the doctor have a cookie please?", "Would you like the doctor to check your heart?". Maybe her future is in medicine~let's pray for scholarships now!
Introducing Dr. Reagan Sandidge

She was watching "Daisy becomes a doctor" and wanted her picture made with the video screen
Dream big girl, dream big
She carried her doctor's kit around with her all day, even bringing it to the dinner table in case of an emergency!
Can Dr. Sandidge have more bread please?

It's Been A While

But we're back. The camera is back from the shop and I'm back to my picture taking ways - much to the chagrin of Greg, Reagan and Cooper. I think they've enjoyed the last 2 weeks without a single photo being taken!

Here are a few photos from the weekend when Ms Deb and her grandson, Seth, came over to play with Reagan and Cooper while Greg and I went out.

Reagan loves to paint with Ms. Deb

Seth and Reagan painting trinket boxes
Cooper thought he'd try his hand (or mouth) at painting too!
Having so much fun
She may have a future as an artist
Is this what big kids get to do?
Reagan's finished masterpiece

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Takin' It To The Streets

This year instead of having a Fall Festival, our church decided to "Take it to the Streets" and give away hot dogs in neighborhoods. Greg and I signed up to be a host home (we were one of 90 homes to sign up through the church) and we had lots of help from Ronnie, Shawn, Jennifer, Lewis and Carly. Special thanks to Gigi and Papaw for coming to watch Reagan and Cooper so we could spend our time outside giving away hot dogs, apples and of course candy.

We gave away around 200 hot dogs and had to go get more. In total we gave out around 250 hot dogs in about 2 hours. Truth be told, we could have given away 100 or so more. We had a great time showing God's love in a practical way. Who knows what will come of the hot dog give away!

Ms Shawn in her witch's hat
Mr. Ronnie aka Fabio
Isabella, Carly, Jennifer and me (sorry about the hair in the face Jennifer)
How's that for service ~ didn't even have to get out of his car!
Grilling, grilling and more grilling
Carly handing out hot dogs
We had a steady crowd all night
Everyone seemed to enjoy something other than candy
Reagan designated herself as the one to hand out the candy ~ she did an excellent job
Reagan and Isabella ate a hot dog too

On a side note, this may be my last post with pictures for a couple of weeks ~ my camera had to go see the doctor. It took a tumble on Friday night, that's why the pictures are a little blurry. I hope to have my camera back by November 15th

Happy Halloween

We had a great time on Halloween. This was the 1st year that Reagan really understood what was going on. She walked, um ran, around the entire neighborhood trick or treating. She was very polite and said please, trick-or-treat and thank you. Cooper on the other hand could have cared less about trick or treating. He was enamored with all the people and the lights.

Mommy and her little ninja
The back of his costume was just as cute!
Trick or treating with Isabella
They had a great time together
Patiently waiting
Greg & I had a great time too!
Isn't she just adorable?

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween at School

Reagan was so excited for Halloween this morning ~ She kept saying, "Trick or treat, here I come!" The 2, 3 & 4 year old kids were going to trick or treat in the offices and classrooms of the college. A treat for both the kids and the adults!

Ready to go!
Reagan and Meliah
Reagan, Ella, & Meliah
Reagan, Ella, Meliah, & Ayden
Sweet Purple Princess
A couple of the boys were dressed as Batman, but Reagan wouldn't let them in the picture ~ she said they were too "spooky"

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Eleven Months

Hard to believe Cooper is already 11 months old! He is so much fun and his personality is so big! Here are a few pictures and videos from today!

Playing Reagan's harmonica He's getting better and better at this walking stuff!

Bath time

The Tooth Doctor

Today was Reagan's 1st visit to the "Tooth Doctor". She had a very good check up and the doctor told us to keep doing what we're doing! Reagan was a perfect patient ~ I was so proud!

Ready to go in the office

Playing before her name is called

Is she going to do that to me?

Open wide All done
Reagan got "2 thumbs up" from the tooth doctor
One of her prizes was an eye patch ~ Reagan said she looked just like Captain Feathersword from the Wiggles! The dental hygienist helping pick out another prize
After her visit to the tooth doctor, we drove to Asheville to have lunch with daddy. Yes, it was a long drive there and a long drive back, but Reagan enjoyed seeing where daddy works and had a great lunch with him. Cute Reagan story: as we were eating lunch Reagan started counting, "1, 2, 3...hey where's my other family? We have 4 ~ Cooper's at school, he's my family too!"
Standing next to daddy's tractor
Look how big this tractor is!
She wanted to stand on the tractor, but didn't want to ride it ~ it's too loud!

The trees are beautiful this time of year. This picture was taken while I was driving and through the windshield (maybe I shouldn't have written that part!)