Saturday, January 23, 2010

Crafting Queen

I know I've mentioned several times before just how much Reagan loves crafts. But let me say it one more time ~ Reagan.loves.crafts. Today, she spent the entire afternoon painting. These pictures are very similar, but they show her dedication to her art.

let the painting begin!
She received this wooden turtle for Christmas from Aunt Kim & Uncle Byrd Making sure it was painted to perfection
Good Job!
Project #2 ~ painting a cupcake magnet
also got this for Christmas, also from Aunt Kim & Uncle ByrdWell Done! Project #3 ~ dot markers Christmas ~ Kim & Byrd
Project #4 - painting a dog house
You guessed it ~ Christmas gift from Kim & Byrd
She was very meticulous on this projectShe kept saying, "My puppy is going to love his blue bed. He's going to be so excited. His mommy will be happy he has a new bed!" After the paint dried, she played with this forever. She even let the puppy sleep with her his doghouse of course! Reagan also painted and decorated a jewelry box with stickers this afternoon. But, she did that in the privacy of the laundry room with the door shut so a certain little boy wouldn't bother her, so there are no pictures of that project!

Gym Day

Saturday = Gymnastics class for Reagan

Waiting for her class to begin
Sorry for the blur, but she was doing a scaleMore stretchingNow, the other side
Pike stretch
Listening to the teachersRunning through the obstacle course

Climbing down the ladder backwards Running the obstacle course ~ her 1st forward roll done correctly!

Vaulting for the 1st time
Swinging on the high bar ~ still wouldn't drop into the pit
I am so proud of Reagan! She enjoys her gymnastics class so much and I love watching her blossom!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rainy Days

It was a rainy day today ~ just another reason to show cute pictures of the kids!!

He loves to look at himself in the camera preview
Not sure where the goofy grin is coming from these days

Monday, January 18, 2010

Play Time

We celebrated having the day off today by playing outside. We were so thankful that Ms Deb was able to spend a couple of hours with us on her day off too!

Cooper hadn't mowed the road in quite a while
He picked up right where he left offShowing me the airplane overhead Ms Deb brought her bike to ride around the neighborhood with Reagan They thought stirring the puddle with a stick was so much fun

Then, Cooper discovered he could make a big splash!On to moving dirt
Racing cars in the sand More splashes!
More time in the sand
Thanks for coming to play Ms Deb. We always enjoy spending time with you!

Let the Crafting Begin

Today Reagan, Cooper & I had the day off from school and work. So, we took full advantage of the day.

Reagan's day started like this
She slept in until 7:30amWe couldn't let a day pass without crafts! Reagan got these wooden dolls from Gigi & Bubba for ChristmasShe made sure to color them just like the packaging So proud of her work ~ didn't she do a great job? After lunch, project #2 began She (and I) made sun catchers She can't wait for them to finish bakingThese will look so pretty hanging in her window

Sunday, January 17, 2010

How'd That Happen?

How did we go from this... this?

Yes, he is asleep ~ these pictures were taken in the dark!

We moved Cooper to a big bed this weekend ~ no more crib! He did really well last night, unless you count the fact that he was sleeping with 1 arm, 1 leg and 1/2 his head hanging off the bed ~ but we caught him just in time and put pillows at the edge of the bed (I really wanted to take a picture of that, but I was afraid the flash would startle him and he would roll off the bed). So, today we went back and bought another rail for the end of the bed. Hopefully, that will keep him contained!
Where does the time go?

Tea for Two