Saturday, April 3, 2010

BAM Easter Eggstravaganza

Today was the BAM group's Easter Eggstravaganza. We had an egg hunt for the kids, good conversation (and a few games) for the adults, and plenty of food for everyone!

Cooper found an egg before the egg hunt began

checking the eggs for the prizes

Erin & Jill

Duane & Eden
Cooper & Mommy
Reagan & Mommy

Cooper likes to look at the guinea pig
Natalie found the stamps and stamped her lips
Lunch is ready

Miki & Natalie
Frank and his big piece of cake

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Bags from Gigi & Bubba

Another surprise came in the mail for Reagan & Cooper today ~ Easter packages from Gigi & Bubba. These kids are s.p.o.i.l.e.d!

another craft project

a new dress ~ purple & butterflies ~ Reagan was in heaven!

M&Ms - her favorite chocolate
What did I get?
a new truck!

chalk eggs
new shirts
a flexible bunny
Cooper got one too!
M&Ms for Cooper
Can we share?
Playing with the bunny
Cooper called Bubba to tell him thanks!

Thank you!

Thanks again!

Easter Packages from Mamaw & Papaw

Reagan and Cooper received a package in the mail yesterday from mamaw & papaw (because of bad behavior yesterday, they had to wait until today to open it ~ they didn't know they were missing out on a gift, they were just upset because they also had cartoons taken away from them yesterday afternoon!). After breakfast this morning, they were able to open their bags.
Cooper watched Reagan so he would know what to expect
more crafts
a notepad
a stamp to add to her collection
Now, it's Cooper's turn
a truck!
take the tag off!
markers for Reagan!

Playing with Cooper's gun
getting a little help from daddy!
back to the truck!

Reagan put her markers to good use - drawing a rainbow
Reagan called mamaw to thank her for the Easter bag of goodies

Cooper playing with his air gun ~ listen to him giggle!

Thank you!

and more thank yous!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fool's Day

Today was the last day of school for Reagan and Cooper this week. They each had Easter parties in their class and had new shirts, shorts and sandals to wear for the occasion.

Reagan's shirt said "one cute chick" ~ I couldn't agree more!
Cooper showing off his Easter basket
A picture of the both of them (Reagan is holding a picture of her feeding a giraffe ~ her class learned about giraffes this week)
Cooper played outside again this afternoon. Reagan came outside, but ran back in the house at the first sight of a bug ~ she's such a girly girl!