Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Greatest Show on Earth

This morning, Reagan and Cooper awoke to a surprise...they were going to the circus today!!!

On our way...watching movies and holding hands
the sun was a little bright for Reagan, so she needed to borrow Greg's sunglasses
The show begins...
Cooper literally sat on the edge of his seat almost the entire time
Singing the National Anthem
The Ringmaster

clowns on stilts

Elephants on parade

the Ringmaster (again)
He was captivated
Dancing Zebras
Action, action, action
strong man

Cooper clapped and laughed throughout the performance. Reagan was just as mesmerized!
Tight Rope walkers

They were really high up

Tigers, oh my!

Cooper sat in Greg's lap for a better view
Reagan and mom enjoying the show
The Human Cannon
The cannon himself
the elephants are back

standing on their head

The jumping people
Daddy and Cooper
After the circus we at at Chick-fil-a. Reagan traded her book for an ice cream
She ate the whole thing ~ cone and all!
Cooper had the giggles
Cooper and his elephant watching movies on the ride home. He told me, "I love my elephant!". He even slept with the elephant tonight.
We had such a wonderful day spending time together as a family. I've posted a few videos already, but there are more to come!

Circus Videos 2

Circus Videos I

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cute Conversations with Reagan

Reagan: How old were you when you found a daddy?
Mom: Do you mean your daddy?
Reagan: Yes, how old were you?
Mom: 20 and then we got married at 23
Reagan: I"m going to wait until I'm 20 too. I'm going to tell Aydan today that I can't marry him.
Mom: That's a fantastic idea!

Reagan: Did you know that there's a baby that shoots people and makes them fall in love?
Mom: There is?
Reagan: Yes, but I don't know if you get back up after you fall.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

100th Day

Today was the 100th day of school for Reagan. To celebrate, her class made glasses in the shape of "100" and a school house crown. She also had to bring 100 of something into class. She chose to put 100 stickers on a piece of paper.