Friday, April 15, 2011

T-Ball Surprise

Cooper's t-ball team had another practice tonight. But after 10minutes of practice, we all got a surprise ~ his team would be scrimmaging another team tonight. So we moved to the big field to "play ball"!
fielding the ball

throwing back to Coach C good arm!
The wind was blowing pretty hard tonight, so Cooper decided he needed his jacket. And, he can't wear his jacket without his hood up!

The big field!
Cooper's team in the dug-out
Taking the field
Going for the ball!
thinking about playing in the dirt!
Reagan was dancing at the top of the bleachers
Such as sweet big sister!
Cooper up to bat


...and a hit
running to 1st base
thumbs up!!
He made it to 2nd base
Running for 3rd
Batting for the 2nd time
He got on base again!
Good game guys!

It was total chaos, but I think he had fun. He was so proud of getting on base and kept giving me the "thumbs up" sign! So cute!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


The Blue Marlins had another game tonight. They played hard and seemed to have a good time.
Lining up for practice kicks

Going over the game plan

Cooper had a great time on the playground during the game

Sitting out her quarter
mommy and Reagan
Cheering on her team
Kick Reagan, kick
going for it!
a beautiful rainbow trying to peak through the clouds
go Blue Marlins

good game
such sportsmanship
after the game, there was a season celebration picnic
Cooper has a great time wherever he is!
sweet soccer girl
Greg trying not to be interested in having his picture made!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Coming Soon a park near you!!

April 23, 2011

Monday, April 11, 2011

Treasure Hunt

Yesterday at church, Reagan's teacher made her a "treasure map". After school today, we put that map to good use ~ Reagan, Cooper and I went on a treasure hunt around the neighborhood.
Ready to go!
All smiles
looking for treasures Cooper wanted to take a picture of me before leaving
Where is that treasure?
There it is!
Let's go this way

Reagan has such a great imagination ~ this was a plank that we had to break through

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Snapshots

Cooper napping

hat + thumb + elephant = good nap