Sunday, August 28, 2011

Promotion Sunday

Today was Promotion Sunday at our church.  Reagan is now in the J-Train class for 1st - 3rd graders and Cooper moved into the 3 year old class room (he had been in the 5 year old class with Reagan).  

My big 1st grader

 sister and brother
 sweet, sweet boy

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday with the Sandidges

We had a busy Saturday afternoon...

Greg & Cooper mowed the grass
 following in his daddy's footsteps
 checking in to make sure he's doing it just right
 Reagan and Cooper played in the sandbox
 We went shopping for a new bicycle for Reagan, but Cooper found a little something for himself
 Reagan thought that it looked like fun
 Cooper was the second customer of the Salon de Sandidge
 Greg and I had another date night while Cooper and Reagan went to Parents' Night Out at their gymnastics facility.  We went to dinner, grocery shopping and then surprised Reagan with a brand new bicycle when she got home. When she walked through the door she excitedly exclaimed, "Who's bike is this?  How did it get here?  Who bought it?"  She ran to both me and Greg and gave us hugs and kisses and kept saying "thank you, thank you"
 Cooper had to test it out too!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Friday Follies

Just a glimpse into our Friday evening.

riding bikes for exercise
look how sweet he is!
concentrating really hard
Reagan had a meltdown during our bike ride.  She wanted everyone to be quiet because we were "getting on her nerves" and she "couldn't concentrate on bike riding".  So, for her tantrum, she had to sit a few minutes in time-out on the side of the road.  She kept screaming saying, "no fun for Reagan.  I'll never have any fun for the rest of my life.  I'l just sit here not having fun"  It was so hard not to laugh at her.
Cooper on the other hand thought it was hilarious that he was the one having good behavior and Reagan was in time-out.
things finally got back to normal and bike riding resumed
then, we went inside to play in the toy room
"zoo" is their favorite thing to play
and garbage trucks
precious hands

Thursday, August 25, 2011

First Day of First Grade

The first day of school is finally here!

Reagan began the morning with special pancakes in honor of beginning 1st grade
she LOVED them!
Reagan told me that I needed special pancakes for going to work, so she suggested...
Look at my big girl ~ the 1st grader
we had a mini photo session before leaving for school
Reagan wanted her picture made in front of some flowers ~ not just bushes, so we had to go to the neighbor's yard for those photos!
isn't she beautiful?
 I convinced her to take a few photos in front of our house too!
they are so sweet!
Imagine our surprise when she got home from school today, our flower beds had been completely redone!  Reagan had to have a picture in front of "our very own flower garden"
First Day of FIRST GRADE!
here are few pictures of our new flower beds
A few quotes from the day:
  • on the way to school, Reagan said,"I feel a little weird (nervous) in my belly"
  •  when telling me about her day, Reagan said "1st grade is AWESOME!"; "1st graders know how to listen very well"; "I had THE BEST DAY"; "I hugged Ms A (her kindergarten teacher)two times today ~ it was pretty neat"
  • Reagan got to be the line leader all day today.  When I asked  her why she was the line leader she said, "It was my lucky day!"