Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Camp ~ Bowling Day

In my quest to keep up with the kids' energy level while they're on Christmas break, we met up with our friends today and had lunch at Old McDonald's and then headed to the bowling alley for some fun!

Cooper, Reagan, Brandon, Jacob
 Lexi & Taylor
 Cooper's 1st time to bowl
 look at those cute little shoes!
 trying to find the perfect ball
 Cooper found bowling "granny style" worked best for him!
 love his technique
 comparing bowling secrets with Jacob
 go ball, go
 checking to make sure the score is correct
 the final score ~ Lane 1
Cooper bowled a 68
 Final score ~ Lane 2
Reagan bowled a 63
 Once we got home, we rode bicycles (yes, Cooper has on shorts, but I convinced him to wear a jacket~the toboggan and gloves were his idea)
 super-fast girl
 beautiful girl
 my buddies for the week!
 I love to see them smile and hear their laughter!
 we attempted a family photo...
...this is the best we could do!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas Camp ~ Movie Day

As soon as breakfast was over, Reagan and Cooper headed straight for the toy room to get to work on some more art projects.  Santa knew what he was doing when he brought the art table.

Good Morning!
 Cooper took a little break to play with his trains
 Reagan didn't stop!
 "Enough pictures already!"
 After lunch, we went to the "red store" (Target) and then to the movie theatre to see Alvin & the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked
 then, it was back home to more fun.  Reagan said she was also going to use her art table as a desk to read and do homework
 the garbage truck is always a favorite
 He has been building towers with his magna blocks

 sweet boy
 Reagan finally got baby Lola out of the box
 she couldn't wait to change her clothes
 fairies and swords
 after bath, it was on to the Leap Pads