Saturday, December 8, 2012

The Look Out

Reagan and Cooper spent the night with Gigi & Bubba last night and Snowflake was so sad.  When Greg and I got up this morning, we found Snowflake looking out the front door window for Reagan and Cooper!  He stayed there until they came home!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Sweet 16

Greg and I are celebrating 16 years of marriage today.  It hasn't been perfect, but there has been waaay more good than bad.  We've had fun and would do it all over again!

Stocking Stuffer

Look where Snowflake landed this morning!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hanging Around

When the kids woke up this morning, they found Snowflake hanging upside down from the light fixture over the kitchen table.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Seeing Double

Snowflake was up to his tricks again.  This time he made copies of himself on the printer!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesday's Tinsel

Snowflake is up to his antics again!  The kids couldn't believe their eyes when they found Snowflake at the bottom of the steps!
Snowflake stole the toilet paper from the bathroom and had some fun!
 Cooper got his very own tree this year~and he decorated it himself!
 Reagan LOVES her tree!
 they also got to decorate their windows with gel clings
Cooper got Santa
 Reagan's is a snowman
 so proud

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pick Up Man

Look where we found Snowflake this morning!
riding around in the garbage truck

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oh, Snowflake

Snowflake is a mischievous little elf.  This morning, Cooper found Snowflake had marked on one of our photos.  He had given Greg and me large eyelashes and moustaches.  Both Reagan and Cooper thought this was hilarious and have giggled about it all day!


We're starting a new tradition with the kids this Christmas.  The Elf on a Shelf was delivered on our doorstep this evening.  We read the story and the kids decided to name the elf Snowflake.  We can't wait to see what the elf does everyday!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

5th Birthday Birthday Party

Cooper's whole family came to the bowling alley to help him celebrate his 5th birthday.  We bowled, danced, ate and laughed...we had so much fun!  It was a great way to celebrate our little man!
Ready to bowl
 getting some high-fives from daddy
 Joshua enjoyed bowling too
Cooper, Keira, Reagan & Joshua
 Go Cooper
 How many pins did he knock down?
 Mamaw bowled a good game
 Papaw showed us some skills
 doing a happy dance
 Andy's a good bowler
 Bubba striking a pose
 Reagan bowled her best game ever
 Ginger got a couple of strikes
 the birthday cake
 our family
 Happy Birthday Cooper!
 the whole family
Bubba, Ginger, Gigi, Cooper, Mom, Reagan, Dad, Byrd, Kim, Mamaw, Keira, Andy, Joshua, Papaw, & Mandy
 We came back home to let Cooper open his gifts
 a new coat
he got lots of money~he says he's saving for a motor home!
 He "read" each and every card
 a new log truck
 Heroes of Imaginext
 a new game for his Leap Pad
 a pirate ship!
 For dinner, we ate at Texas Road House.  They let Cooper sit on the saddle while they told the restaurant that it was his 5th birthday.  The entire restaurant let out their best "yee-ha"!
Happy Birthday Cooper!  Mom and Dad are so proud of you!  We love you with all our hearts!