Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages...

We made our nearly annual trip to see the circus today.  It was so nice to only drive 30 minutes vs the 1.5 hour trip (each way) that we had to drive when we saw the circus here and here; although this was a much smaller circus show.  As usual, the kids had a great time and loved seeing the animals and acrobats!
starting the show with sno-cones (bought with allowance money!)
 the National Anthem
 the opening act
 amazing men of strength

 Cooper's favorite was the samurai warriors
showing off his blue tongue
 another favorite - the elephants
 3 motorcyclists in a cage
 the finale
a few videos from the day
at the end of the day, the kids requested to sleep together.  How sweet are they?

Friday, February 21, 2014

Valentine's Party Delayed

Due to the snow of last week and the closing of school, Reagan's class Valentine's party had to be postponed until today.  The kids celebrated with an ice cream party and then exchanged valentines.

 picking out her toppings
 Reagan and her friend Meredith
 ready to hand out valentines
 checking out all her goodies

Breakfast Dates

Every month, Reagan's school hosts an event called All Pro Dads.  It's a chance for dads to become more involved with their kids.  Cooper has been feeling left out of all the action, so today I took him out for a special breakfast at Dunkin' Donuts!  I think both kids enjoyed their early morning dates!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Reagan lost yet another tooth today at school.  I think this is #9.  The tooth fairy is going to have to get a second job to keep up with all the action in the Sandidge house!
the bottom left incisor is missing

Monday, February 17, 2014

Back at it!

It's been a little while since I've taken my camera to the gym to catch Reagan in action.  Unfortunately today, most of my view was obstructed, but I did manage to get a few good pictures.
ab work
pike stretches
 straddle stretches
 chatting with the other girls in her class
taking a break
 rock climbing

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Warming Up

A little post-snow playing treat for the chocolate to warm their bones!