Sunday, February 23, 2014

Just A Swingin'

Today was a B.E.A.U-TIFUL day.  We spent the afternoon playing outside ~ swinging on the playset and swinging ball bats.  The Sandidges are ready for spring and summer!
beautiful girl
 acting silly
 we practiced a little baseball
 Reagan took a swing or two!
 She made use of a football bat!
 Cooper practiced pitching to Greg
 her expression when Greg hit one over the fence
a friend came over to play this afternoon
 climbing on top of the swingset
 swinging with dad
Cooper learned to pump on the swings all by himself

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of All Ages...

We made our nearly annual trip to see the circus today.  It was so nice to only drive 30 minutes vs the 1.5 hour trip (each way) that we had to drive when we saw the circus here and here; although this was a much smaller circus show.  As usual, the kids had a great time and loved seeing the animals and acrobats!
starting the show with sno-cones (bought with allowance money!)
 the National Anthem
 the opening act
 amazing men of strength

 Cooper's favorite was the samurai warriors
showing off his blue tongue
 another favorite - the elephants
 3 motorcyclists in a cage
 the finale
a few videos from the day
at the end of the day, the kids requested to sleep together.  How sweet are they?