Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Reagan is loving her re-discovery of bike riding!  If she keeps it up, it may be time for a bigger bike in the near future!  Cooper practiced riding without training wheels, but no pictures of that as I had my hands full trying to teach him how to balance.  He's "this close" to riding all by himself!
 she ran out of steam going up the hill!
 after bike practice, Cooper wanted to ride his scooter - something he can do by himself!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day

We spent Memorial Day cleaning out closets and the toy room!  We did have a few hours to spend outside playing too!
Reagan remembers how to ride her bike!  It's been a while
 Cooper drew all over the driveway!
 He got warm and had to take off his shirt...and show off his muscles!
 Reagan found and trapped a Velvet Ant
it's actually a "wingless wasp"
 she's reading all about it on the internet
 We played bubble ninja too!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Weekend Cook-Out

We had planned to start our Memorial Day weekend with a cook out and boat ride, but the rain altered our plans just a little.  We still had a cook out and ice cream, but will have to wait for another day to go out on the boat!
sweet boy
 how did he get so silly?
 beautiful girl
 Cooper put on a "motorcycle performance"
 Ginger, Gigi, Cooper and Bubba enjoying ice cream and brownies

Thursday, May 22, 2014


We had a brief rain storm early this evening that left us with a beautiful double rainbow!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Skunks - Part 2, 3, 4 and 5

The skunk whisperer's trap caught the babies today.  He said he brought the same trap that their mom was caught in, so the must have smelled her scent and all ran in together.  The babies are so cute, if only they didn't stink!
 trying to get out of the cage
 once we got a closer look, there were FIVE babies (I had only seen 3 the day before)
Hopefully, this ends our skunk adventure.  One more trap will be set...just to make sure no babies have been left behind!

Last Day of School 2014

Today was the last day of school for Reagan and Cooper.  They have learned so much this year and grown too!

You can check out Reagan's first day of 3rd grade here and Cooper's first day of Kindergarten here.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Stinky Situation

We've had a visitor hanging around our house for a couple of weeks now.  One morning, I saw her scurry under the sidewalk leading to our front door.  We called the Wildlife Resource Agency and they set a trap.  Late last night, she was caught!  Thank goodness!
she was not happy to be in the cage
 look closely and you'll see a baby trying to get to it's momma
 oh no, there are two babies!!!
  they just keep multiplying...now there are 3 baby skunks
The babies were so cute and pitiful crying for their momma.  Before the skunk whisperer could come pick up the momma skunk, the babies had gone back underground.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Ice Skating Party

This afternoon, the skating rink held a party for all of the classes and families.  The classes showed off the skills they learned during this session, then everyone was invited to skate!
showing off her newly learned skating skills
 Ginger joined in on the fun!
 Reagan was excited to have someone else there to skate with her besides mom!
 they played the limbo on skates
Reagan gave Ginger a few skating lessons!
Reagan passed her skills test and will now be in the Basic 2 class starting in a few weeks.  She earned a badge from the skating class, and mom & dad bought her a new pair of skates of her very own  She said they already make her a better skater!