Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday Things

Reagan's Girl Scout Meeting was cancelled today, so we took advantage of that time to get some things done.
Reagan got a much needed haircut
 3.5" gone!
(oh, those double crowns!)
 We had some coupons for free sundaes at McDonald's - the kids couldn't wait to use them
 We took advantage of the indoor playground to burn off some energy

Up a Tree

Reagan and the neighborhood girls have discovered a new trick of climbing trees!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Skating Practice

New skills are tough to learn, but Reagan is determined!  Reagan stayed for the public skating session after her class last night to work on some of the Basic 4 skills that she is learning.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Parent/Child Date Night

The kids had special dates tonight ~ Greg, Cooper and Bubba attended the Monster Truck show, while Reagan and I had dinner and a movie in.
Showing off her necklace Ms Vicki made her for Christmas
(a dolphin and a blue gem - 2 of her favorite things)
 Cooper spent his hard-earned pay on a snow cone
 watching the trucks in action

Friday, January 16, 2015

Game Night

This session of soccer, Cooper has moved up an age bracket.  He now plays with 7-9 year old boys (quite a different pace than the 5-6 year olds!).  He does a great job and enjoys playing goalie more than anything!
waiting for a ball to be kicked his way
 he saved a score
throwing the ball back in

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Indoor Practice

Another Thursday evening, another practice on the soccer field (at least it's indoor!)
Cooper is the cute boy in the gray sweatshirt
 awaiting instructions from Coach Chris

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Basic 4

Reagan began the new semester of ice skating lessons Basic 4!  
ready to learn new skills

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day of Play

It was a sunny, but cool afternoon so we got outside to enjoy the weather.
 Cooper, Greg & I played soccer in the back yard using the goal Cooper received for Christmas
 Cooper loooves to be the goalie
 Next, we had a little target practice using Cooper's pellet gun
 Greg showing Cooper how to shoot the gun
 giving safety lessons
 going solo
Cooper shot straight through the milk jug
 see his pellet hole
 aiming again
 Where was Reagan during all this family time?  Playing Lego Friends.  She said she "just isn't an outside person when it's cold or hot"
 Cooper did a little weight liftingC!
 Then, an air hockey match broke out.  These kids are very competitive with each other when it comes to air hockey!
We also played a few rounds of checkers and tic-tac-toe, watched a movie for family night and Greg treated the kids to milkshakes from the Cook-Out!