Tuesday, April 1, 2008

4 months...already?

Hard to believe, but our little man is already 4 months old. We went to the doctor today for a check up and he is the most perfect baby boy (Reagan is the most perfect girl, of course)! He now weighs 14lbs 15oz and is 26inches. He call roll over from his belly to his back, has started grabbing for his toys, and has the most precious smile that can melt anyone's heart!
Chewing on your thumb always makes the pain of shots go away!

This is a rare sight, Cooper with only 1 finger in his mouth, and it's his thumb

I've been told these are the same two fingers his dad sucked when he was a little boy

Still in a good mood after getting 3 shots today

1 comment:

Jean-Marie said...

I cant figure out who he looks like. Tera maybe? He's a cutie!