Friday, July 1, 2011

Fantastic Friday ~ Vacation 2011

Today was our last full day of vacation ~ and we took advantage of it.  We didn't make Cooper take a nap and let the kids swim until almost dark.  The men went and picked up dinner for us so we didn't have to waste precious swimming time getting ready and going out somewhere.  WARNING:  there are a TON of's just so hard to choose from the 800+ pictures and videos I took this week!

Future Miss North Carolina
wading in the pool
getting ready to race
he got splashed in the eye
Cooper and Gigi
Reagan and Cooper had a blast with Gigi and Bubba
underwater girl
coming at you!
mom and Cooper

they really do love each other (most of the time)
After lunch, Cooper and I went for a walk on the beach to find more sea shells
He saw a few sailboats in the ocean
getting brave in the water
jumping in the river!
catching some waves
back at the pool for an afternoon swim
splashing daddy!
he even smiles underwater
hitching a ride on mom's back
now it's Gigi's turn
the men relaxing
mom and Reagan
Cooper taking a break
playing hide-n-seek
sweet boy
the men leaving to get dinner from THE SMOKEHOUSE (notice the jump in Cooper's step!)
No pictures of dinner in the room, but our week wouldn't be complete without one final trip to the FROZEN MOO!
What a great week we had, we can't wait for next year's vacation...I've already started planning it!!!

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