Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Camp ~ Pajama Day

Reagan and Cooper are both out of school this week and there are no camps open either.  So, it's up to me to come up with fun activities.  Today was a lazy day for all of us...the weather was yucky, so we just stayed in our pjs all (and I do mean all) day.  I did have them change into clean pjs before they went to bed tonight!

trying out their new art table
 they worked with the stencils for about 1 1/2 hours this morning
 diligently working
 how sweet are those hands?
 these hands are just as sweet!
 We had lunch at Cafe Living Room
 then, we had a Tea Party for dessert
 here's to Christmas vacation!
 What a life ~ watching a movie, eating red velvet cookies, and sipping on tea!
 playing with new toys
 love this smile!
 Cooper turned flips to entertain us
 back to the stencils
 sweet hands
Hopefully, I'll be able to keep them entertained/busy for the rest of the week!

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