Saturday, March 31, 2012

Super Saturday

Today was the first day in a long time that we had absolutely nothing planned.  We spent most of the morning inside because it was rainy, but as soon as the sun came out after lunch, we headed outside.  

Reagan and Cooper set up camp in the toy room
 they had to have their sleeping bags to make it official!
 Reagan wanted to go out for lunch, so we told her if she would buy, we would fly!  She counted her money (several times) and decided that she would buy lunch for the family today!!  We went to the Cook Out and had lunch and milkshakes!  What a sweet girl
 Cooper wanted a key of his very own, so we went to the hardware store and the nice man gave him one!
 After lunch, Cooper helped Greg wash his car
 Reagan thought it looked like fun, so she joined in to help
 Cooper discovered the puddle at the bottom of the driveway ~ and you know what happens next!
 sweet feet (Cooper)
 Greg gave them a little shower
 time to dry off the car
these two were hard workers
 for some reason, Cooper stripped down to his underwear!
 here are a few pictures of our blooming flowers
 a butterfly
After the car wash, Greg & Cooper got haircuts and then we went on a family bike ride around the neighborhood.  It was so nice not to have anything on the agenda!

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